// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. #include "test.h" static int exec_count = 0; void recv_cb(void* user_data, deno_op_id op_id, deno_buf buf, deno_pinned_buf zero_copy_buf) { // We use this to check that scripts have executed. EXPECT_EQ(1u, buf.data_len); EXPECT_EQ(42u, op_id); EXPECT_EQ(buf.data_ptr[0], 4); EXPECT_EQ(zero_copy_buf.data_ptr, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(zero_copy_buf.data_len, 0u); EXPECT_EQ(zero_copy_buf.pin, nullptr); exec_count++; } TEST(ModulesTest, Resolution) { exec_count = 0; // Reset Deno* d = deno_new(deno_config{0, empty_snapshot, empty, recv_cb, nullptr}); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); static deno_mod a = deno_mod_new(d, true, "a.js", "import { b } from 'b.js'\n" "if (b() != 'b') throw Error();\n" "Deno.core.send(42, new Uint8Array([4]));"); EXPECT_NE(a, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); const char* b_src = "export function b() { return 'b' }"; static deno_mod b = deno_mod_new(d, false, "b.js", b_src); EXPECT_NE(b, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); EXPECT_EQ(1u, deno_mod_imports_len(d, a)); EXPECT_EQ(0u, deno_mod_imports_len(d, b)); EXPECT_STREQ("b.js", deno_mod_imports_get(d, a, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_mod_imports_get(d, a, 1)); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_mod_imports_get(d, b, 0)); static int resolve_count = 0; auto resolve_cb = [](void* user_data, const char* specifier, deno_mod referrer) { EXPECT_EQ(referrer, a); EXPECT_STREQ(specifier, "b.js"); resolve_count++; return b; }; deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, b, resolve_cb); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); EXPECT_EQ(0, resolve_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, a, resolve_cb); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); EXPECT_EQ(1, resolve_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); deno_mod_evaluate(d, d, a); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); EXPECT_EQ(1, resolve_count); EXPECT_EQ(1, exec_count); deno_delete(d); } TEST(ModulesTest, ResolutionError) { exec_count = 0; // Reset Deno* d = deno_new(deno_config{0, empty_snapshot, empty, recv_cb, nullptr}); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); static deno_mod a = deno_mod_new(d, true, "a.js", "import 'bad'\n" "Deno.core.send(42, new Uint8Array([4]));"); EXPECT_NE(a, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); EXPECT_EQ(1u, deno_mod_imports_len(d, a)); EXPECT_STREQ("bad", deno_mod_imports_get(d, a, 0)); static int resolve_count = 0; auto resolve_cb = [](void* user_data, const char* specifier, deno_mod referrer) { EXPECT_EQ(referrer, a); EXPECT_STREQ(specifier, "bad"); resolve_count++; return 0; }; deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, a, resolve_cb); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); EXPECT_EQ(1, resolve_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); deno_delete(d); } TEST(ModulesTest, ImportMetaUrl) { exec_count = 0; // Reset Deno* d = deno_new(deno_config{0, empty_snapshot, empty, recv_cb, nullptr}); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); static deno_mod a = deno_mod_new(d, true, "a.js", "if ('a.js' != import.meta.url) throw 'hmm'\n" "Deno.core.send(42, new Uint8Array([4]));"); EXPECT_NE(a, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, a, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); deno_mod_evaluate(d, d, a); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); EXPECT_EQ(1, exec_count); } TEST(ModulesTest, ImportMetaMain) { Deno* d = deno_new(deno_config{0, empty_snapshot, empty, recv_cb, nullptr}); const char* throw_not_main_src = "if (!import.meta.main) throw 'err'"; static deno_mod throw_not_main = deno_mod_new(d, true, "a.js", throw_not_main_src); EXPECT_NE(throw_not_main, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, throw_not_main, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_evaluate(d, d, throw_not_main); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); const char* throw_main_src = "if (import.meta.main) throw 'err'"; static deno_mod throw_main = deno_mod_new(d, false, "b.js", throw_main_src); EXPECT_NE(throw_main, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, throw_main, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_evaluate(d, d, throw_main); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_delete(d); } TEST(ModulesTest, DynamicImportSuccess) { exec_count = 0; static int dyn_import_count = 0; static deno_mod b = 0; auto dyn_import_cb = [](auto user_data, const char* specifier, const char* referrer, deno_dyn_import_id import_id) { auto d = reinterpret_cast(user_data); dyn_import_count++; EXPECT_STREQ(specifier, "foo"); EXPECT_STREQ(referrer, "a.js"); deno_dyn_import_done(d, d, import_id, b, nullptr); }; const char* src = "(async () => { \n" " let mod = await import('foo'); \n" " assert(mod.b() === 'b'); \n" // Send a message to signify that we're done. " Deno.core.send(42, new Uint8Array([4])); \n" "})(); \n"; Deno* d = deno_new(deno_config{0, snapshot, empty, recv_cb, dyn_import_cb}); static deno_mod a = deno_mod_new(d, true, "a.js", src); EXPECT_NE(a, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, a, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); const char* b_src = "export function b() { return 'b' }"; b = deno_mod_new(d, false, "b.js", b_src); EXPECT_NE(b, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, b, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_evaluate(d, d, b); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_evaluate(d, d, a); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_check_promise_errors(d); EXPECT_EQ(deno_last_exception(d), nullptr); deno_delete(d); EXPECT_EQ(1, exec_count); EXPECT_EQ(1, dyn_import_count); } TEST(ModulesTest, DynamicImportError) { exec_count = 0; static int dyn_import_count = 0; auto dyn_import_cb = [](auto user_data, const char* specifier, const char* referrer, deno_dyn_import_id import_id) { auto d = reinterpret_cast(user_data); dyn_import_count++; EXPECT_STREQ(specifier, "foo"); EXPECT_STREQ(referrer, "a.js"); // We indicate there was an error resolving by returning mod_id 0. deno_dyn_import_done(d, d, import_id, 0, "foo not found"); }; const char* src = "(async () => { \n" " let mod = await import('foo'); \n" // The following should be unreachable. " Deno.core.send(42, new Uint8Array([4])); \n" "})(); \n"; Deno* d = deno_new(deno_config{0, snapshot, empty, recv_cb, dyn_import_cb}); static deno_mod a = deno_mod_new(d, true, "a.js", src); EXPECT_NE(a, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, a, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); // No error when evaluating, because it's an async error. deno_mod_evaluate(d, d, a); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); // Now we should get an error. deno_check_promise_errors(d); EXPECT_NE(deno_last_exception(d), nullptr); std::string e(deno_last_exception(d)); EXPECT_NE(e.find("Uncaught TypeError: foo not found"), std::string::npos); deno_delete(d); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); EXPECT_EQ(1, dyn_import_count); } TEST(ModulesTest, DynamicImportAsync) { exec_count = 0; static int dyn_import_count = 0; static deno_mod b = 0; static std::vector import_ids = {}; auto dyn_import_cb = [](auto user_data, const char* specifier, const char* referrer, deno_dyn_import_id import_id) { // auto d = reinterpret_cast(user_data); dyn_import_count++; EXPECT_STREQ(specifier, "foo"); EXPECT_STREQ(referrer, "a.js"); // We don't call deno_dyn_import_done until later. import_ids.push_back(import_id); }; const char* src = "(async () => { \n" " let mod = await import('foo'); \n" " assert(mod.b() === 'b'); \n" // AGAIN! " mod = await import('foo'); \n" " assert(mod.b() === 'b'); \n" // Send a message to signify that we're done. " Deno.core.send(42, new Uint8Array([4])); \n" "})(); \n"; Deno* d = deno_new(deno_config{0, snapshot, empty, recv_cb, dyn_import_cb}); static deno_mod a = deno_mod_new(d, true, "a.js", src); EXPECT_NE(a, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, a, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); // Evaluate. We check that there are no errors, and Deno.core.send has not // been called. deno_mod_evaluate(d, d, a); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_check_promise_errors(d); EXPECT_EQ(deno_last_exception(d), nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); EXPECT_EQ(1, dyn_import_count); // Instantiate b.js const char* b_src = "export function b() { return 'b' }"; b = deno_mod_new(d, false, "b.js", b_src); EXPECT_NE(b, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, b, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_evaluate(d, d, b); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); // Now we resolve the import. EXPECT_EQ(1u, import_ids.size()); auto import_id = import_ids.back(); import_ids.pop_back(); deno_dyn_import_done(d, d, import_id, b, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_check_promise_errors(d); EXPECT_EQ(deno_last_exception(d), nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(1u, import_ids.size()); EXPECT_EQ(2, dyn_import_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); import_id = import_ids.back(); import_ids.pop_back(); deno_dyn_import_done(d, d, import_id, b, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_check_promise_errors(d); EXPECT_EQ(deno_last_exception(d), nullptr); // We still have to resolve the second one EXPECT_EQ(2, dyn_import_count); EXPECT_EQ(1, exec_count); deno_delete(d); } TEST(ModulesTest, DynamicImportThrows) { exec_count = 0; static int dyn_import_count = 0; static deno_mod b = 0; static std::vector import_ids = {}; auto dyn_import_cb = [](auto user_data, const char* specifier, const char* referrer, deno_dyn_import_id import_id) { dyn_import_count++; EXPECT_STREQ(specifier, "b.js"); EXPECT_STREQ(referrer, "a.js"); // We don't call deno_dyn_import_done until later. import_ids.push_back(import_id); }; Deno* d = deno_new(deno_config{0, snapshot, empty, recv_cb, dyn_import_cb}); // Instantiate and evaluate the root module. This should succeed. const char* a_src = "(async () => { \n" " let mod = await import('b.js'); \n" // unreachable " Deno.core.send(42, new Uint8Array([4])); \n" "})(); \n"; static deno_mod a = deno_mod_new(d, true, "a.js", a_src); EXPECT_NE(a, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, a, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_evaluate(d, d, a); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_check_promise_errors(d); EXPECT_EQ(deno_last_exception(d), nullptr); // Instantiate b.js, which should succeed. const char* b_src = "throw new Error('foo')"; b = deno_mod_new(d, false, "b.js", b_src); EXPECT_NE(b, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, b, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); // Evaluate b.js. It throws in the global scope, so deno_last_exception() // should be non-null afterwards. deno_mod_evaluate(d, d, b); EXPECT_NE(deno_last_exception(d), nullptr); // Resolve the dynamic import of b.js. Since deno_mod_evaluate() failed, // we indicate failure to deno_dyn_import_done() by setting mod_id to 0. // The last error should be picked up and cleared by deno_dyn_import_done(). EXPECT_EQ(1u, import_ids.size()); auto import_id = import_ids.back(); import_ids.pop_back(); deno_dyn_import_done(d, d, import_id, 0, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(deno_last_exception(d), nullptr); // Since the dynamically imported module threw an error, // it should show up as an unhandled promise rejection. deno_check_promise_errors(d); EXPECT_NE(deno_last_exception(d), nullptr); std::string e(deno_last_exception(d)); EXPECT_NE(e.find("Uncaught Error: foo"), std::string::npos); EXPECT_EQ(1, dyn_import_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); deno_delete(d); } TEST(ModulesTest, DynamicImportSyntaxError) { exec_count = 0; static int dyn_import_count = 0; auto dyn_import_cb = [](auto user_data, const char* specifier, const char* referrer, deno_dyn_import_id import_id) { auto d = reinterpret_cast(user_data); dyn_import_count++; EXPECT_STREQ(specifier, "b.js"); EXPECT_STREQ(referrer, "a.js"); // Compile b.js, which should fail because of the syntax error. deno_mod b = deno_mod_new(d, false, "b.js", "syntax error"); EXPECT_EQ(b, 0); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); // `deno_dyn_import_done` should consume the last exception, and use it // to reject the dynamic import promise. deno_dyn_import_done(d, d, import_id, 0, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); }; Deno* d = deno_new(deno_config{0, snapshot, empty, recv_cb, dyn_import_cb}); // Instantiate and evaluate the root module. This should succeed. const char* src = "(async () => { \n" " let mod = await import('b.js'); \n" // unreachable " Deno.core.send(42, new Uint8Array([4])); \n" "})(); \n"; static deno_mod a = deno_mod_new(d, true, "a.js", src); EXPECT_NE(a, 0); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_instantiate(d, d, a, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); deno_mod_evaluate(d, d, a); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, deno_last_exception(d)); // The failed dynamic import should cause an unhandled promise rejection. deno_check_promise_errors(d); EXPECT_NE(deno_last_exception(d), nullptr); EXPECT_NE(std::string(deno_last_exception(d)).find("Syntax"), std::string::npos); EXPECT_EQ(1, dyn_import_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, exec_count); deno_delete(d); }