import { assert, assertEquals, assertThrows } from "../testing/asserts.ts"; import Buffer from "./buffer.ts"; Deno.test({ name: "alloc fails on negative numbers", fn() { assertThrows( () => { Buffer.alloc(-1); }, RangeError, "Invalid typed array length: -1", "should throw on negative numbers" ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "alloc allocates a buffer with the expected size", fn() { const buffer: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(1); assertEquals(buffer.length, 1, "Buffer size should be 1"); assertEquals(buffer[0], 0, "Content should be filled with 0"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "alloc(0) creates an empty buffer", fn() { const buffer: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(0); assertEquals(buffer.length, 0, "Buffer size should be 0"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Byte length is the expected for strings", fn() { assertEquals(Buffer.byteLength("test"), 4, "Byte lenght differs on string"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Byte length is the expected one for non-strings", fn() { assertEquals( Buffer.byteLength(Buffer.alloc(0)), Buffer.alloc(0).byteLength, "Byte lenght differs on buffers" ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Two Buffers are concatenated", fn() { const buffer1 = Buffer.alloc(1); const buffer2 = Buffer.alloc(2); const resultBuffer = Buffer.concat([buffer1, buffer2]); assertEquals(resultBuffer.length, 3, "Buffer length should be 3"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "A single buffer concatenates and return the same buffer", fn() { const buffer1 = Buffer.alloc(1); const resultBuffer = Buffer.concat([buffer1]); assertEquals(resultBuffer.length, 1, "Buffer length should be 1"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "No buffers concat returns an empty buffer", fn() { const resultBuffer = Buffer.concat([]); assertEquals(resultBuffer.length, 0, "Buffer length should be 0"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "concat respects totalLenght parameter", fn() { const buffer1 = Buffer.alloc(2); const buffer2 = Buffer.alloc(2); const resultBuffer = Buffer.concat([buffer1, buffer2], 10); assertEquals(resultBuffer.length, 10, "Buffer length should be 10"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "concat totalLenght throws if is lower than the size of the buffers", fn() { const buffer1 = Buffer.alloc(2); const buffer2 = Buffer.alloc(2); assertThrows( () => { Buffer.concat([buffer1, buffer2], 3); }, RangeError, "offset is out of bounds", "should throw on negative numbers" ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Buffer from string creates a Buffer", fn() { const buffer: Buffer = Buffer.from("test"); assertEquals(buffer.length, 4, "Buffer length should be 4"); assertEquals( buffer.toString(), "test", "Buffer to string should recover the string" ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Buffer from string hex", fn() { for (const encoding of ["hex", "HEX"]) { const buffer: Buffer = Buffer.from( "7468697320697320612074c3a97374", encoding ); assertEquals(buffer.length, 15, "Buffer length should be 15"); assertEquals( buffer.toString(), "this is a tést", "Buffer to string should recover the string" ); } }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Buffer from string base64", fn() { for (const encoding of ["base64", "BASE64"]) { const buffer: Buffer = Buffer.from("dGhpcyBpcyBhIHTDqXN0", encoding); assertEquals(buffer.length, 15, "Buffer length should be 15"); assertEquals( buffer.toString(), "this is a tést", "Buffer to string should recover the string" ); } }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Buffer to string base64", fn() { for (const encoding of ["base64", "BASE64"]) { const buffer: Buffer = Buffer.from("deno land"); assertEquals( buffer.toString(encoding), "ZGVubyBsYW5k", "Buffer to string should recover the string in base64" ); } const b64 = "dGhpcyBpcyBhIHTDqXN0"; assertEquals(Buffer.from(b64, "base64").toString("base64"), b64); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Buffer to string hex", fn() { for (const encoding of ["hex", "HEX"]) { const buffer: Buffer = Buffer.from("deno land"); assertEquals( buffer.toString(encoding), "64656e6f206c616e64", "Buffer to string should recover the string" ); } const hex = "64656e6f206c616e64"; assertEquals(Buffer.from(hex, "hex").toString("hex"), hex); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Buffer to string invalid encoding", fn() { const buffer: Buffer = Buffer.from("deno land"); const invalidEncodings = [null, 5, {}, true, false, "foo", ""]; for (const encoding of invalidEncodings) { assertThrows( () => { // deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore buffer.toString(encoding); }, TypeError, `Unkown encoding: ${encoding}`, "Should throw on invalid encoding" ); } }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Buffer from string invalid encoding", fn() { const defaultToUtf8Encodings = [null, 5, {}, true, false, ""]; const invalidEncodings = ["deno", "base645"]; for (const encoding of defaultToUtf8Encodings) { // deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore assertEquals(Buffer.from("yes", encoding).toString(), "yes"); } for (const encoding of invalidEncodings) { assertThrows( () => { // deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore Buffer.from("yes", encoding); }, TypeError, `Unkown encoding: ${encoding}` ); } }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Buffer to/from string not implemented encodings", fn() { const buffer: Buffer = Buffer.from("deno land"); const notImplemented = ["ascii", "binary"]; for (const encoding of notImplemented) { assertThrows( () => { // deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore buffer.toString(encoding); }, Error, `"${encoding}" encoding`, "Should throw on invalid encoding" ); assertThrows( () => { // deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore Buffer.from("", encoding); }, Error, `"${encoding}" encoding`, "Should throw on invalid encoding" ); } }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Buffer from another buffer creates a Buffer", fn() { const buffer: Buffer = Buffer.from(Buffer.from("test")); assertEquals(buffer.length, 4, "Buffer length should be 4"); assertEquals( buffer.toString(), "test", "Buffer to string should recover the string" ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "isBuffer returns true if the object is a buffer", fn() { assert(Buffer.isBuffer(Buffer.from("test"))); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "isBuffer returns false if the object is not a buffer", fn() { assert(!Buffer.isBuffer({ test: 3 })); }, });