// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::collections::HashMap; static SUPPORTED_MODULES: &[&str] = &[ "assert", "assert/strict", "async_hooks", "buffer", "child_process", "cluster", "console", "constants", "crypto", "dgram", "dns", "domain", "events", "fs", "fs/promises", "http", "https", "module", "net", "os", "path", "path/posix", "path/win32", "perf_hooks", "process", "querystring", "readline", "stream", "stream/promises", "stream/web", "string_decoder", "sys", "timers", "timers/promises", "tls", "tty", "url", "util", "util/types", "v8", "vm", "zlib", ]; pub fn get_mapped_node_builtins() -> HashMap { let mut mappings = HashMap::new(); for module in SUPPORTED_MODULES { // TODO(bartlomieju): this is unversioned, and should be fixed to use latest stable? let module_url = format!("https://deno.land/std/node/{}.ts", module); mappings.insert(module.to_string(), module_url.clone()); // Support for `node:` // https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html#esm_node_imports let node_prefixed = format!("node:{}", module); mappings.insert(node_prefixed, module_url); } mappings }