// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { test } from "../testing/mod.ts"; import { assertEquals } from "../testing/asserts.ts"; import { parse } from "./mod.ts"; // flag boolean true (default all --args to boolean) test(function flagBooleanTrue() { const argv = parse(["moo", "--honk", "cow"], { boolean: true }); assertEquals(argv, { honk: true, _: ["moo", "cow"] }); assertEquals(typeof argv.honk, "boolean"); }); // flag boolean true only affects double hyphen arguments without equals signs test(function flagBooleanTrueOnlyAffectsDoubleDash() { var argv = parse(["moo", "--honk", "cow", "-p", "55", "--tacos=good"], { boolean: true }); assertEquals(argv, { honk: true, tacos: "good", p: 55, _: ["moo", "cow"] }); assertEquals(typeof argv.honk, "boolean"); });