// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use deno_runtime::deno_napi::*; use crate::check_env; #[repr(C)] pub struct AsyncWork { pub data: *mut c_void, pub execute: napi_async_execute_callback, pub complete: napi_async_complete_callback, } #[napi_sym::napi_sym] fn napi_create_async_work( _env: *mut Env, _async_resource: napi_value, _async_resource_name: napi_value, execute: napi_async_execute_callback, complete: napi_async_complete_callback, data: *mut c_void, result: *mut napi_async_work, ) -> napi_status { let mut work = AsyncWork { data, execute, complete, }; let work_box = Box::new(work); *result = transmute::<*mut AsyncWork, _>(Box::into_raw(work_box)); napi_ok } #[napi_sym::napi_sym] fn napi_cancel_async_work( _env: &mut Env, _async_work: napi_async_work, ) -> napi_status { napi_ok } /// Frees a previously allocated work object. #[napi_sym::napi_sym] fn napi_delete_async_work( _env: &mut Env, work: napi_async_work, ) -> napi_status { let work = Box::from_raw(work as *mut AsyncWork); drop(work); napi_ok } #[napi_sym::napi_sym] fn napi_queue_async_work( env_ptr: *mut Env, work: napi_async_work, ) -> napi_status { let work: &AsyncWork = &*(work as *const AsyncWork); let Some(env) = env_ptr.as_mut() else { return napi_invalid_arg; }; let fut = Box::new(move || { (work.execute)(env_ptr as napi_env, work.data); // Note: Must be called from the loop thread. (work.complete)(env_ptr as napi_env, napi_ok, work.data); }); env.add_async_work(fut); napi_ok } // NOTE: we don't support "async_hooks::AsyncContext" so these APIs are noops. #[napi_sym::napi_sym] fn napi_async_init( env: *mut Env, _async_resource: napi_value, _async_resource_name: napi_value, result: *mut *mut (), ) -> napi_status { check_env!(env); *result = ptr::null_mut(); napi_ok } #[napi_sym::napi_sym] fn napi_async_destroy(env: *mut Env, async_context: *mut ()) -> napi_status { check_env!(env); assert!(async_context.is_null()); napi_ok }