#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write --allow-run=git,cargo // Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. import $ from "https://deno.land/x/dax@0.32.0/mod.ts"; if (Deno.args.length === 0) { $.log( "Usage: build_bench [-v] [--profile release|debug] commit1 [commit2 [comment3...]]", ); Deno.exit(1); } const args = Deno.args.slice(); let verbose = false; if (args[0] == "-v") { args.shift(); verbose = true; } let profile = "release"; if (args[0] == "--profile") { args.shift(); profile = args.shift(); } function exit(msg: string) { $.logError(msg); Deno.exit(1); } // Make sure the .git dir exists const gitDir = Deno.cwd() + "/.git"; await Deno.stat(gitDir); async function runCommand(human: string, cmd) { if (verbose) { const out = await cmd.noThrow(); if (out.code != 0) { exit(human); } } else { const out = await cmd.stdout("piped").stderr("piped").noThrow(); if (out.code != 0) { $.logLight("stdout"); $.logGroup(); $.log(out.stdout); $.logGroupEnd(); $.logLight("stderr"); $.logGroup(); $.log(out.stderr); $.logGroupEnd(); exit(human); } } } async function buildGitCommit(progress, commit) { const tempDir = $.path(await Deno.makeTempDir()); const gitInfo = await $`git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit -n1 ${commit}`.stdout( "piped", ).stderr("piped").noThrow(); if (gitInfo.code != 0) { $.log(gitInfo.stdout); $.log(gitInfo.stderr); exit(`Failed to get git info for commit ${commit}`); } const hash = gitInfo.stdout.split(" ")[0]; progress.message(`${commit} is ${hash}`); progress.message(`clone ${hash}`); await runCommand( `Failed to clone commit ${commit}`, $`git clone ${gitDir} ${tempDir}`, ); progress.message(`reset ${hash}`); await runCommand( `Failed to reset commit ${commit}`, $`git reset --hard ${hash}`.cwd(tempDir), ); progress.message(`build ${hash} (please wait)`); const now = Date.now(); const interval = setInterval(() => { const elapsed = Math.round((Date.now() - now) / 1000); progress.message(`build ${hash} (${elapsed}s)`); }, 100); try { if (profile === "debug") { await runCommand( `Failed to build commit ${commit}`, $`cargo build`.cwd(tempDir), ); } else { await runCommand( `Failed to build commit ${commit}`, $`cargo build --profile ${profile}`.cwd(tempDir), ); } } finally { clearInterval(interval); } const elapsed = Math.round((Date.now() - now) / 1000); let file; if (profile === "release") { file = `deno-${hash}`; } else { file = `deno-${profile}-${hash}`; } progress.message(`copy ${hash}`); await tempDir.join("target").join(profile).join("deno").copyFile(file); progress.message(`cleanup ${hash}`); await tempDir.remove({ recursive: true }); progress.message("done"); $.log(`Built ./${file} (${commit}) in ${elapsed}s: ${gitInfo.stdout}`); } const promises = []; for (const arg of args) { if (verbose) { promises.push(buildGitCommit({ message() {} }, arg)); } else { const progress = $.progress(`${arg}`); promises.push(progress.with(async () => { await buildGitCommit(progress, arg); })); } } await Promise.all(promises);