// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // deno-lint-ignore-file const filenameBase = "test_plugin"; let filenameSuffix = ".so"; let filenamePrefix = "lib"; if (Deno.build.os === "windows") { filenameSuffix = ".dll"; filenamePrefix = ""; } else if (Deno.build.os === "darwin") { filenameSuffix = ".dylib"; } const filename = `../target/${ Deno.args[0] }/${filenamePrefix}${filenameBase}${filenameSuffix}`; const resourcesPre = Deno.resources(); const pluginRid = Deno.openPlugin(filename); console.log(`Plugin rid: ${pluginRid}`); const { op_test_sync, op_test_async, op_test_resource_table_add, op_test_resource_table_get, } = Deno.core.ops(); if ( op_test_sync === null || op_test_async === null || op_test_resource_table_add === null || op_test_resource_table_get === null ) { throw new Error("Not all expected ops were registered"); } function runTestSync() { const result = Deno.core.opSync( "op_test_sync", { val: "1" }, new Uint8Array([116, 101, 115, 116]), ); console.log(`op_test_sync returned: ${result}`); if (result !== "test") { throw new Error("op_test_sync returned an unexpected value!"); } } async function runTestAsync() { const promise = Deno.core.opAsync( "op_test_async", { val: "1" }, new Uint8Array([49, 50, 51]), ); if (!(promise instanceof Promise)) { throw new Error("Expected promise!"); } const result = await promise; console.log(`op_test_async returned: ${result}`); if (result !== "test") { throw new Error("op_test_async promise resolved to an unexpected value!"); } } function runTestResourceTable() { const expect = "hello plugin!"; const testRid = Deno.core.opSync("op_test_resource_table_add", expect); console.log(`TestResource rid: ${testRid}`); if (testRid === null || Deno.resources()[testRid] !== "TestResource") { throw new Error("TestResource was not found!"); } const testValue = Deno.core.opSync("op_test_resource_table_get", testRid); console.log(`TestResource get value: ${testValue}`); if (testValue !== expect) { throw new Error("Did not get correct resource value!"); } Deno.close(testRid); } function runTestOpCount() { const start = Deno.metrics(); Deno.core.opSync("op_test_sync", { val: "1" }); const end = Deno.metrics(); if (end.opsCompleted - start.opsCompleted !== 1) { throw new Error("The opsCompleted metric is not correct!"); } console.log("Ops completed count is correct!"); if (end.opsDispatched - start.opsDispatched !== 1) { throw new Error("The opsDispatched metric is not correct!"); } console.log("Ops dispatched count is correct!"); } function runTestPluginClose() { // Closing does not yet work Deno.close(pluginRid); const resourcesPost = Deno.resources(); const preStr = JSON.stringify(resourcesPre, null, 2); const postStr = JSON.stringify(resourcesPost, null, 2); if (preStr !== postStr) { throw new Error( `Difference in open resources before openPlugin and after Plugin.close(): Before: ${preStr} After: ${postStr}`, ); } console.log("Correct number of resources"); } runTestSync(); await runTestAsync(); runTestResourceTable(); runTestOpCount(); // runTestPluginClose();