import { url } from "npm:@denotest/esm-basic"; import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url"; import path from "node:path"; import assert from "node:assert/strict"; // will be at node_modules\.deno\@denotest+esm-basic@1.0.0\node_modules\@denotest\esm-basic const dirPath = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(url)); const nodeModulesPath = path.join(dirPath, "../../../../../"); const packageJsonText = `{ "name": "@denotest/esm-basic", "version": "1.0.0", "type": "module", "main": "main.mjs", "types": "main.d.mts" } `; const vfsPackageJsonPath = path.join(dirPath, "package.json"); // reading a file in vfs { const text = Deno.readTextFileSync(vfsPackageJsonPath); assert.equal(text, packageJsonText); } // reading a file async in vfs { const text = await Deno.readTextFile(vfsPackageJsonPath); assert.equal(text, packageJsonText); } // copy file from vfs to real fs { Deno.copyFileSync(vfsPackageJsonPath, "package.json"); assert.equal(Deno.readTextFileSync("package.json"), packageJsonText); } // copy to vfs assert.throws( () => Deno.copyFileSync("package.json", vfsPackageJsonPath), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); Deno.removeSync("package.json"); // copy file async from vfs to real fs { await Deno.copyFile(vfsPackageJsonPath, "package.json"); assert.equal(Deno.readTextFileSync("package.json"), packageJsonText); } // copy to vfs async await assert.rejects( () => Deno.copyFile("package.json", vfsPackageJsonPath), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); Deno.removeSync("package.json"); // open { const file = Deno.openSync(vfsPackageJsonPath); const bytes = new Uint8Array(10); file.seekSync(2, Deno.SeekMode.Start); assert.equal(file.readSync(bytes), 10); const text = new TextDecoder().decode(bytes); assert.equal(text, packageJsonText.slice(2, 12)); } { const file = await; const bytes = new Uint8Array(10); await, Deno.SeekMode.Start); assert.equal(await, 10); const text = new TextDecoder().decode(bytes); assert.equal(text, packageJsonText.slice(2, 12)); } // chdir assert.throws(() => Deno.chdir(dirPath), Deno.errors.NotSupported); // mkdir assert.throws( () => Deno.mkdirSync(path.join(dirPath, "subDir")), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); await assert.rejects( () => Deno.mkdir(path.join(dirPath, "subDir")), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); // chmod assert.throws( () => Deno.chmodSync(vfsPackageJsonPath, 0o777), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); await assert.rejects( () => Deno.chmod(vfsPackageJsonPath, 0o777), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); // chown assert.throws( () => Deno.chownSync(vfsPackageJsonPath, 1000, 1000), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); await assert.rejects( () => Deno.chown(vfsPackageJsonPath, 1000, 1000), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); // remove assert.throws( () => Deno.removeSync(vfsPackageJsonPath), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); await assert.rejects( () => Deno.remove(vfsPackageJsonPath), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); // stat { const result = Deno.statSync(vfsPackageJsonPath); assert(result.isFile); } { const result = await Deno.stat(vfsPackageJsonPath); assert(result.isFile); } // lstat { const result = Deno.lstatSync( path.join(nodeModulesPath, "@denotest", "esm-basic"), ); assert(result.isSymlink); } { const result = await Deno.lstat( path.join(nodeModulesPath, "@denotest", "esm-basic"), ); assert(result.isSymlink); } // realpath { const result = Deno.realPathSync( path.join(nodeModulesPath, "@denotest", "esm-basic", "package.json"), ); assert.equal(result, vfsPackageJsonPath); } { const result = await Deno.realPath( path.join(nodeModulesPath, "@denotest", "esm-basic", "package.json"), ); assert.equal(result, vfsPackageJsonPath); } // read dir const readDirNames = ["main.d.mts", "main.mjs", "other.mjs", "package.json"]; { const names = Array.from(Deno.readDirSync(dirPath)) .map((e) =>; assert.deepEqual(readDirNames, names); } { const names = []; for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(dirPath)) { names.push(; } assert.deepEqual(readDirNames, names); } // rename assert.throws( () => Deno.renameSync("package.json", vfsPackageJsonPath), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); assert.throws( () => Deno.renameSync(vfsPackageJsonPath, "package.json"), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); await assert.rejects( () => Deno.rename("package.json", vfsPackageJsonPath), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); await assert.rejects( () => Deno.rename(vfsPackageJsonPath, "package.json"), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); // link assert.throws( () => Deno.linkSync("package.json", vfsPackageJsonPath), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); assert.throws( () => Deno.linkSync(vfsPackageJsonPath, "package.json"), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); await assert.rejects( () =>"package.json", vfsPackageJsonPath), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); await assert.rejects( () =>, "package.json"), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); // symlink assert.throws( () => Deno.symlinkSync("package.json", vfsPackageJsonPath), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); assert.throws( () => Deno.symlinkSync(vfsPackageJsonPath, "package.json"), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); await assert.rejects( () => Deno.symlink("package.json", vfsPackageJsonPath), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); await assert.rejects( () => Deno.symlink(vfsPackageJsonPath, "package.json"), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); // read link { const result = Deno.readLinkSync( path.join(nodeModulesPath, "@denotest", "esm-basic"), ); assert.equal(result, dirPath); } { const result = await Deno.readLink( path.join(nodeModulesPath, "@denotest", "esm-basic"), ); assert.equal(result, dirPath); } // truncate assert.throws( () => Deno.truncateSync(vfsPackageJsonPath, 0), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); await assert.rejects( () => Deno.truncate(vfsPackageJsonPath, 0), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); // utime assert.throws( () => Deno.utimeSync(vfsPackageJsonPath, 0, 0), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); await assert.rejects( () => Deno.utime(vfsPackageJsonPath, 0, 0), Deno.errors.NotSupported, ); console.log("success");