// Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import * as deno from "deno"; import { testPerm, assert, assertEqual } from "./test_util.ts"; testPerm({ net: true }, function netListenClose() { const listener = deno.listen("tcp", ""); listener.close(); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function netDialListen() { let addr = ""; const listener = deno.listen("tcp", addr); listener.accept().then(async conn => { await conn.write(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3])); conn.close(); }); const conn = await deno.dial("tcp", addr); const buf = new Uint8Array(1024); const readResult = await conn.read(buf); assertEqual(3, readResult.nread); assertEqual(1, buf[0]); assertEqual(2, buf[1]); assertEqual(3, buf[2]); // TODO Currently ReadResult does not properly transmit EOF in the same call. // it requires a second call to get the EOF. Either ReadResult to be an // integer in which 0 signifies EOF or the handler should be modified so that // EOF is properly transmitted. assertEqual(false, readResult.eof); const readResult2 = await conn.read(buf); assertEqual(true, readResult2.eof); listener.close(); conn.close(); });