// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { testPerm, assert, assertEquals } from "./test_util.ts"; type FileInfo = Deno.FileInfo; function assertSameContent(files: FileInfo[]): void { let counter = 0; for (const file of files) { if (file.name === "subdir") { assert(file.isDirectory()); counter++; } if (file.name === "002_hello.ts") { assertEquals(file.mode!, Deno.statSync(`cli/tests/${file.name}`).mode!); counter++; } } assertEquals(counter, 2); } testPerm({ read: true }, function readDirSyncSuccess(): void { const files = Deno.readDirSync("cli/tests/"); assertSameContent(files); }); testPerm({ read: false }, function readDirSyncPerm(): void { let caughtError = false; try { Deno.readDirSync("tests/"); } catch (e) { caughtError = true; assert(e instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied); } assert(caughtError); }); testPerm({ read: true }, function readDirSyncNotDir(): void { let caughtError = false; let src; try { src = Deno.readDirSync("cli/tests/fixture.json"); } catch (err) { caughtError = true; assert(err instanceof Error); } assert(caughtError); assertEquals(src, undefined); }); testPerm({ read: true }, function readDirSyncNotFound(): void { let caughtError = false; let src; try { src = Deno.readDirSync("bad_dir_name"); } catch (err) { caughtError = true; assert(err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound); } assert(caughtError); assertEquals(src, undefined); }); testPerm({ read: true }, async function readDirSuccess(): Promise { const files = await Deno.readDir("cli/tests/"); assertSameContent(files); }); testPerm({ read: false }, async function readDirPerm(): Promise { let caughtError = false; try { await Deno.readDir("tests/"); } catch (e) { caughtError = true; assert(e instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied); } assert(caughtError); });