// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { assert, assertNotEquals, assertStrContains, assertArrayContains, assertMatch, assertEquals, assertThrows, AssertionError, equal, fail, unimplemented, unreachable } from "./asserts.ts"; import { test } from "./mod.ts"; test(function testingEqual() { assert(equal("world", "world")); assert(!equal("hello", "world")); assert(equal(5, 5)); assert(!equal(5, 6)); assert(equal(NaN, NaN)); assert(equal({ hello: "world" }, { hello: "world" })); assert(!equal({ world: "hello" }, { hello: "world" })); assert( equal( { hello: "world", hi: { there: "everyone" } }, { hello: "world", hi: { there: "everyone" } } ) ); assert( !equal( { hello: "world", hi: { there: "everyone" } }, { hello: "world", hi: { there: "everyone else" } } ) ); }); test(function testingNotEquals() { const a = { foo: "bar" }; const b = { bar: "foo" }; assertNotEquals(a, b); assertNotEquals("Denosaurus", "Tyrannosaurus"); let didThrow; try { assertNotEquals("Raptor", "Raptor"); didThrow = false; } catch (e) { assert(e instanceof AssertionError); didThrow = true; } assertEquals(didThrow, true); }); test(function testingAssertStringContains() { assertStrContains("Denosaurus", "saur"); assertStrContains("Denosaurus", "Deno"); assertStrContains("Denosaurus", "rus"); let didThrow; try { assertStrContains("Denosaurus", "Raptor"); didThrow = false; } catch (e) { assert(e instanceof AssertionError); didThrow = true; } assertEquals(didThrow, true); }); test(function testingArrayContains() { const fixture = ["deno", "iz", "luv"]; const fixtureObject = [{ deno: "luv" }, { deno: "Js" }]; assertArrayContains(fixture, ["deno"]); assertArrayContains(fixtureObject, [{ deno: "luv" }]); let didThrow; try { assertArrayContains(fixtureObject, [{ deno: "node" }]); didThrow = false; } catch (e) { assert(e instanceof AssertionError); didThrow = true; } assertEquals(didThrow, true); }); test(function testingAssertStringContainsThrow() { let didThrow = false; try { assertStrContains("Denosaurus from Jurassic", "Raptor"); } catch (e) { assert( e.message === `actual: "Denosaurus from Jurassic" expected to contains: "Raptor"` ); assert(e instanceof AssertionError); didThrow = true; } assert(didThrow); }); test(function testingAssertStringMatching() { assertMatch("foobar@deno.com", RegExp(/[a-zA-Z]+@[a-zA-Z]+.com/)); }); test(function testingAssertStringMatchingThrows() { let didThrow = false; try { assertMatch("Denosaurus from Jurassic", RegExp(/Raptor/)); } catch (e) { assert( e.message === `actual: "Denosaurus from Jurassic" expected to match: "/Raptor/"` ); assert(e instanceof AssertionError); didThrow = true; } assert(didThrow); }); test(function testingAssertsUnimplemented() { let didThrow = false; try { unimplemented(); } catch (e) { assert(e.message === "unimplemented"); assert(e instanceof AssertionError); didThrow = true; } assert(didThrow); }); test(function testingAssertsUnreachable() { let didThrow = false; try { unreachable(); } catch (e) { assert(e.message === "unreachable"); assert(e instanceof AssertionError); didThrow = true; } assert(didThrow); }); test(function testingAssertFail() { assertThrows(fail, AssertionError, "Failed assertion."); assertThrows( () => { fail("foo"); }, AssertionError, "Failed assertion: foo" ); });