// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use deno_core::stats::RuntimeActivity; use deno_core::stats::RuntimeActivityDiff; use deno_core::stats::RuntimeActivityType; use phf::phf_map; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::ops::AddAssign; use super::*; pub fn to_relative_path_or_remote_url(cwd: &Url, path_or_url: &str) -> String { let Ok(url) = Url::parse(path_or_url) else { return "".to_string(); }; if url.scheme() == "file" { if let Some(mut r) = cwd.make_relative(&url) { if !r.starts_with("../") { r = format!("./{r}"); } return r; } } path_or_url.to_string() } fn abbreviate_test_error(js_error: &JsError) -> JsError { let mut js_error = js_error.clone(); let frames = std::mem::take(&mut js_error.frames); // check if there are any stack frames coming from user code let should_filter = frames.iter().any(|f| { if let Some(file_name) = &f.file_name { !(file_name.starts_with("[ext:") || file_name.starts_with("ext:")) } else { true } }); if should_filter { let mut frames = frames .into_iter() .rev() .skip_while(|f| { if let Some(file_name) = &f.file_name { file_name.starts_with("[ext:") || file_name.starts_with("ext:") } else { false } }) .collect::>(); frames.reverse(); js_error.frames = frames; } else { js_error.frames = frames; } js_error.cause = js_error .cause .as_ref() .map(|e| Box::new(abbreviate_test_error(e))); js_error.aggregated = js_error .aggregated .as_ref() .map(|es| es.iter().map(abbreviate_test_error).collect()); js_error } // This function prettifies `JsError` and applies some changes specifically for // test runner purposes: // // - filter out stack frames: // - if stack trace consists of mixed user and internal code, the frames // below the first user code frame are filtered out // - if stack trace consists only of internal code it is preserved as is pub fn format_test_error(js_error: &JsError) -> String { let mut js_error = abbreviate_test_error(js_error); js_error.exception_message = js_error .exception_message .trim_start_matches("Uncaught ") .to_string(); format_js_error(&js_error) } pub fn format_sanitizer_diff(diff: RuntimeActivityDiff) -> Vec { let mut output = format_sanitizer_accum(diff.appeared, true); output.extend(format_sanitizer_accum(diff.disappeared, false)); output.sort(); output } fn format_sanitizer_accum( activities: Vec, appeared: bool, ) -> Vec { let mut accum = HashMap::new(); for activity in activities { let item = format_sanitizer_accum_item(activity); accum.entry(item).or_insert(0).add_assign(1); } let mut output = vec![]; for ((item_type, item_name), count) in accum.into_iter() { if item_type == RuntimeActivityType::Resource { // TODO(mmastrac): until we implement the new timers and op sanitization, these must be ignored in this path if item_name == "timer" { continue; } let (name, action1, action2) = pretty_resource_name(&item_name); let hint = resource_close_hint(&item_name); if appeared { output.push(format!("{name} was {action1} during the test, but not {action2} during the test. {hint}")); } else { output.push(format!("{name} was {action1} before the test started, but was {action2} during the test. \ Do not close resources in a test that were not created during that test.")); } } else { // TODO(mmastrac): this will be done in a later PR unimplemented!( "Unhandled diff: {appeared} {} {:?} {}", count, item_type, item_name ); } } output } fn format_sanitizer_accum_item( activity: RuntimeActivity, ) -> (RuntimeActivityType, Cow<'static, str>) { let activity_type = activity.activity(); match activity { RuntimeActivity::AsyncOp(_, name) => (activity_type, name.into()), RuntimeActivity::Interval(_) => (activity_type, "".into()), RuntimeActivity::Resource(_, name) => (activity_type, name.into()), RuntimeActivity::Timer(_) => (activity_type, "".into()), } } fn pretty_resource_name( name: &str, ) -> (Cow<'static, str>, &'static str, &'static str) { let (name, action1, action2) = match name { "fsFile" => ("A file", "opened", "closed"), "fetchRequest" => ("A fetch request", "started", "finished"), "fetchRequestBody" => ("A fetch request body", "created", "closed"), "fetchResponse" => ("A fetch response body", "created", "consumed"), "httpClient" => ("An HTTP client", "created", "closed"), "dynamicLibrary" => ("A dynamic library", "loaded", "unloaded"), "httpConn" => ("An inbound HTTP connection", "accepted", "closed"), "httpStream" => ("An inbound HTTP request", "accepted", "closed"), "tcpStream" => ("A TCP connection", "opened/accepted", "closed"), "unixStream" => ("A Unix connection", "opened/accepted", "closed"), "tlsStream" => ("A TLS connection", "opened/accepted", "closed"), "tlsListener" => ("A TLS listener", "opened", "closed"), "unixListener" => ("A Unix listener", "opened", "closed"), "unixDatagram" => ("A Unix datagram", "opened", "closed"), "tcpListener" => ("A TCP listener", "opened", "closed"), "udpSocket" => ("A UDP socket", "opened", "closed"), "timer" => ("A timer", "started", "fired/cleared"), "textDecoder" => ("A text decoder", "created", "finished"), "messagePort" => ("A message port", "created", "closed"), "webSocketStream" => ("A WebSocket", "opened", "closed"), "fsEvents" => ("A file system watcher", "created", "closed"), "childStdin" => ("A child process stdin", "opened", "closed"), "childStdout" => ("A child process stdout", "opened", "closed"), "childStderr" => ("A child process stderr", "opened", "closed"), "child" => ("A child process", "started", "closed"), "signal" => ("A signal listener", "created", "fired/cleared"), "stdin" => ("The stdin pipe", "opened", "closed"), "stdout" => ("The stdout pipe", "opened", "closed"), "stderr" => ("The stderr pipe", "opened", "closed"), "compression" => ("A CompressionStream", "created", "closed"), _ => return (format!("\"{name}\"").into(), "created", "cleaned up"), }; (name.into(), action1, action2) } fn resource_close_hint(name: &str) -> &'static str { match name { "fsFile" => "Close the file handle by calling `file.close()`.", "fetchRequest" => "Await the promise returned from `fetch()` or abort the fetch with an abort signal.", "fetchRequestBody" => "Terminate the request body `ReadableStream` by closing or erroring it.", "fetchResponse" => "Consume or close the response body `ReadableStream`, e.g `await resp.text()` or `await resp.body.cancel()`.", "httpClient" => "Close the HTTP client by calling `httpClient.close()`.", "dynamicLibrary" => "Unload the dynamic library by calling `dynamicLibrary.close()`.", "httpConn" => "Close the inbound HTTP connection by calling `httpConn.close()`.", "httpStream" => "Close the inbound HTTP request by responding with `e.respondWith()` or closing the HTTP connection.", "tcpStream" => "Close the TCP connection by calling `tcpConn.close()`.", "unixStream" => "Close the Unix socket connection by calling `unixConn.close()`.", "tlsStream" => "Close the TLS connection by calling `tlsConn.close()`.", "tlsListener" => "Close the TLS listener by calling `tlsListener.close()`.", "unixListener" => "Close the Unix socket listener by calling `unixListener.close()`.", "unixDatagram" => "Close the Unix datagram socket by calling `unixDatagram.close()`.", "tcpListener" => "Close the TCP listener by calling `tcpListener.close()`.", "udpSocket" => "Close the UDP socket by calling `udpSocket.close()`.", "timer" => "Clear the timer by calling `clearInterval` or `clearTimeout`.", "textDecoder" => "Close the text decoder by calling `textDecoder.decode('')` or `await textDecoderStream.readable.cancel()`.", "messagePort" => "Close the message port by calling `messagePort.close()`.", "webSocketStream" => "Close the WebSocket by calling `webSocket.close()`.", "fsEvents" => "Close the file system watcher by calling `watcher.close()`.", "childStdin" => "Close the child process stdin by calling `proc.stdin.close()`.", "childStdout" => "Close the child process stdout by calling `proc.stdout.close()` or `await child.stdout.cancel()`.", "childStderr" => "Close the child process stderr by calling `proc.stderr.close()` or `await child.stderr.cancel()`.", "child" => "Close the child process by calling `proc.kill()` or `proc.close()`.", "signal" => "Clear the signal listener by calling `Deno.removeSignalListener`.", "stdin" => "Close the stdin pipe by calling `Deno.stdin.close()`.", "stdout" => "Close the stdout pipe by calling `Deno.stdout.close()`.", "stderr" => "Close the stderr pipe by calling `Deno.stderr.close()`.", "compression" => "Close the compression stream by calling `await stream.writable.close()`.", _ => "Close the resource before the end of the test.", } } // An async operation to $0 was started in this test, but never completed. This is often caused by not $1. // An async operation to $0 was started in this test, but never completed. Async operations should not complete in a test if they were not started in that test. // deno-fmt-ignore pub const OP_DETAILS: phf::Map<&'static str, [&'static str; 2]> = phf_map! { "op_blob_read_part" => ["read from a Blob or File", "awaiting the result of a Blob or File read"], "op_broadcast_recv" => ["receive a message from a BroadcastChannel", "closing the BroadcastChannel"], "op_broadcast_send" => ["send a message to a BroadcastChannel", "closing the BroadcastChannel"], "op_chmod_async" => ["change the permissions of a file", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.chmod` call"], "op_chown_async" => ["change the owner of a file", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.chown` call"], "op_copy_file_async" => ["copy a file", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.copyFile` call"], "op_crypto_decrypt" => ["decrypt data", "awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.decrypt` call"], "op_crypto_derive_bits" => ["derive bits from a key", "awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.deriveBits` call"], "op_crypto_encrypt" => ["encrypt data", "awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.encrypt` call"], "op_crypto_generate_key" => ["generate a key", "awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.generateKey` call"], "op_crypto_sign_key" => ["sign data", "awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.sign` call"], "op_crypto_subtle_digest" => ["digest data", "awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.digest` call"], "op_crypto_verify_key" => ["verify data", "awaiting the result of a `crypto.subtle.verify` call"], "op_net_recv_udp" => ["receive a datagram message via UDP", "awaiting the result of `Deno.DatagramConn#receive` call, or not breaking out of a for await loop looping over a `Deno.DatagramConn`"], "op_net_recv_unixpacket" => ["receive a datagram message via Unixpacket", "awaiting the result of `Deno.DatagramConn#receive` call, or not breaking out of a for await loop looping over a `Deno.DatagramConn`"], "op_net_send_udp" => ["send a datagram message via UDP", "awaiting the result of `Deno.DatagramConn#send` call"], "op_net_send_unixpacket" => ["send a datagram message via Unixpacket", "awaiting the result of `Deno.DatagramConn#send` call"], "op_dns_resolve" => ["resolve a DNS name", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.resolveDns` call"], "op_fdatasync_async" => ["flush pending data operations for a file to disk", "awaiting the result of a `file.fdatasync` call"], "op_fetch_send" => ["send a HTTP request", "awaiting the result of a `fetch` call"], "op_ffi_call_nonblocking" => ["do a non blocking ffi call", "awaiting the returned promise"], "op_ffi_call_ptr_nonblocking" => ["do a non blocking ffi call", "awaiting the returned promise"], "op_flock_async" => ["lock a file", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.flock` call"], "op_fs_events_poll" => ["get the next file system event", "breaking out of a for await loop looping over `Deno.FsEvents`"], "op_fstat_async" => ["get file metadata", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.File#fstat` call"], "op_fsync_async" => ["flush pending data operations for a file to disk", "awaiting the result of a `file.fsync` call"], "op_ftruncate_async" => ["truncate a file", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.ftruncate` call"], "op_funlock_async" => ["unlock a file", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.funlock` call"], "op_futime_async" => ["change file timestamps", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.futime` call"], "op_http_accept" => ["accept a HTTP request", "closing a `Deno.HttpConn`"], "op_http_shutdown" => ["shutdown a HTTP connection", "awaiting `Deno.HttpEvent#respondWith`"], "op_http_upgrade_websocket" => ["upgrade a HTTP connection to a WebSocket", "awaiting `Deno.HttpEvent#respondWith`"], "op_http_write_headers" => ["write HTTP response headers", "awaiting `Deno.HttpEvent#respondWith`"], "op_http_write" => ["write HTTP response body", "awaiting `Deno.HttpEvent#respondWith`"], "op_link_async" => ["create a hard link", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.link` call"], "op_make_temp_dir_async" => ["create a temporary directory", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.makeTempDir` call"], "op_make_temp_file_async" => ["create a temporary file", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.makeTempFile` call"], "op_message_port_recv_message" => ["receive a message from a MessagePort", "awaiting the result of not closing a `MessagePort`"], "op_mkdir_async" => ["create a directory", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.mkdir` call"], "op_net_accept_tcp" => ["accept a TCP stream", "closing a `Deno.Listener`"], "op_net_accept_unix" => ["accept a Unix stream", "closing a `Deno.Listener`"], "op_net_connect_tcp" => ["connect to a TCP server", "awaiting a `Deno.connect` call"], "op_net_connect_unix" => ["connect to a Unix server", "awaiting a `Deno.connect` call"], "op_open_async" => ["open a file", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.open` call"], "op_read_dir_async" => ["read a directory", "collecting all items in the async iterable returned from a `Deno.readDir` call"], "op_read_link_async" => ["read a symlink", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.readLink` call"], "op_realpath_async" => ["resolve a path", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.realpath` call"], "op_remove_async" => ["remove a file or directory", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.remove` call"], "op_rename_async" => ["rename a file or directory", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.rename` call"], "op_run_status" => ["get the status of a subprocess", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.Process#status` call"], "op_seek_async" => ["seek in a file", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.File#seek` call"], "op_signal_poll" => ["get the next signal", "un-registering a OS signal handler"], "op_sleep" => ["sleep for a duration", "cancelling a `setTimeout` or `setInterval` call"], "op_stat_async" => ["get file metadata", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.stat` call"], "op_symlink_async" => ["create a symlink", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.symlink` call"], "op_net_accept_tls" => ["accept a TLS stream", "closing a `Deno.TlsListener`"], "op_net_connect_tls" => ["connect to a TLS server", "awaiting a `Deno.connectTls` call"], "op_tls_handshake" => ["perform a TLS handshake", "awaiting a `Deno.TlsConn#handshake` call"], "op_tls_start" => ["start a TLS connection", "awaiting a `Deno.startTls` call"], "op_truncate_async" => ["truncate a file", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.truncate` call"], "op_utime_async" => ["change file timestamps", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.utime` call"], "op_host_recv_message" => ["receive a message from a web worker", "terminating a `Worker`"], "op_host_recv_ctrl" => ["receive a message from a web worker", "terminating a `Worker`"], "op_webgpu_buffer_get_map_async" => ["map a WebGPU buffer", "awaiting the result of a `GPUBuffer#mapAsync` call"], "op_webgpu_request_adapter" => ["request a WebGPU adapter", "awaiting the result of a `navigator.gpu.requestAdapter` call"], "op_webgpu_request_device" => ["request a WebGPU device", "awaiting the result of a `GPUAdapter#requestDevice` call"], "op_ws_close" => ["close a WebSocket", "awaiting until the `close` event is emitted on a `WebSocket`, or the `WebSocketStream#closed` promise resolves"], "op_ws_create" => ["create a WebSocket", "awaiting until the `open` event is emitted on a `WebSocket`, or the result of a `WebSocketStream#connection` promise"], "op_ws_next_event" => ["receive the next message on a WebSocket", "closing a `WebSocket` or `WebSocketStream`"], "op_ws_send_text" => ["send a message on a WebSocket", "closing a `WebSocket` or `WebSocketStream`"], "op_ws_send_binary" => ["send a message on a WebSocket", "closing a `WebSocket` or `WebSocketStream`"], "op_ws_send_binary_ab" => ["send a message on a WebSocket", "closing a `WebSocket` or `WebSocketStream`"], "op_ws_send_ping" => ["send a message on a WebSocket", "closing a `WebSocket` or `WebSocketStream`"], "op_spawn_wait" => ["wait for a subprocess to exit", "awaiting the result of a `Deno.Process#status` call"], };