// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use super::dispatch_json::{Deserialize, JsonOp, Value}; use super::io::StreamResource; use crate::deno_error::bad_resource; use crate::deno_error::DenoError; use crate::deno_error::ErrorKind; use crate::fs as deno_fs; use crate::ops::json_op; use crate::state::ThreadSafeState; use deno_core::*; use futures::future::FutureExt; use std; use std::convert::From; use std::io::SeekFrom; use std::path::Path; use tokio; pub fn init(i: &mut Isolate, s: &ThreadSafeState) { i.register_op("open", s.core_op(json_op(s.stateful_op(op_open)))); i.register_op("close", s.core_op(json_op(s.stateful_op(op_close)))); i.register_op("seek", s.core_op(json_op(s.stateful_op(op_seek)))); } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct OpenArgs { promise_id: Option, filename: String, mode: String, } fn op_open( state: &ThreadSafeState, args: Value, _zero_copy: Option, ) -> Result { let args: OpenArgs = serde_json::from_value(args)?; let filename = deno_fs::resolve_from_cwd(Path::new(&args.filename))?; let mode = args.mode.as_ref(); let state_ = state.clone(); let mut open_options = tokio::fs::OpenOptions::new(); match mode { "r" => { open_options.read(true); } "r+" => { open_options.read(true).write(true); } "w" => { open_options.create(true).write(true).truncate(true); } "w+" => { open_options .read(true) .create(true) .write(true) .truncate(true); } "a" => { open_options.create(true).append(true); } "a+" => { open_options.read(true).create(true).append(true); } "x" => { open_options.create_new(true).write(true); } "x+" => { open_options.create_new(true).read(true).write(true); } &_ => { panic!("Unknown file open mode."); } } match mode { "r" => { state.check_read(&filename)?; } "w" | "a" | "x" => { state.check_write(&filename)?; } &_ => { state.check_read(&filename)?; state.check_write(&filename)?; } } let is_sync = args.promise_id.is_none(); let fut = async move { let fs_file = open_options.open(filename).await?; let mut table = state_.lock_resource_table(); let rid = table.add("fsFile", Box::new(StreamResource::FsFile(fs_file))); Ok(json!(rid)) }; if is_sync { let buf = futures::executor::block_on(fut)?; Ok(JsonOp::Sync(buf)) } else { Ok(JsonOp::Async(fut.boxed())) } } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct CloseArgs { rid: i32, } fn op_close( state: &ThreadSafeState, args: Value, _zero_copy: Option, ) -> Result { let args: CloseArgs = serde_json::from_value(args)?; let mut table = state.lock_resource_table(); table.close(args.rid as u32).ok_or_else(bad_resource)?; Ok(JsonOp::Sync(json!({}))) } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct SeekArgs { promise_id: Option, rid: i32, offset: i32, whence: i32, } fn op_seek( state: &ThreadSafeState, args: Value, _zero_copy: Option, ) -> Result { let args: SeekArgs = serde_json::from_value(args)?; let rid = args.rid as u32; let offset = args.offset; let whence = args.whence as u32; // Translate seek mode to Rust repr. let seek_from = match whence { 0 => SeekFrom::Start(offset as u64), 1 => SeekFrom::Current(i64::from(offset)), 2 => SeekFrom::End(i64::from(offset)), _ => { return Err(ErrBox::from(DenoError::new( ErrorKind::InvalidSeekMode, format!("Invalid seek mode: {}", whence), ))); } }; let mut table = state.lock_resource_table(); let resource = table .get_mut::(rid) .ok_or_else(bad_resource)?; let tokio_file = match resource { StreamResource::FsFile(ref mut file) => file, _ => return Err(bad_resource()), }; let mut file = futures::executor::block_on(tokio_file.try_clone())?; let fut = async move { file.seek(seek_from).await?; Ok(json!({})) }; if args.promise_id.is_none() { let buf = futures::executor::block_on(fut)?; Ok(JsonOp::Sync(buf)) } else { Ok(JsonOp::Async(fut.boxed())) } }