// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. /// FLAGS import { parse } from "https://deno.land/std@0.84.0/flags/mod.ts"; import { join, ROOT_PATH } from "../util.js"; export const { json, quiet, release, rebuild, ["--"]: rest, ["auto-config"]: autoConfig, } = parse(Deno.args, { "--": true, boolean: ["quiet", "release", "no-interactive"], string: ["json"], }); /// PAGE ROOT /// WPT TEST MANIFEST export interface Manifest { items: { testharness: ManifestFolder; }; } export interface ManifestFolder { [key: string]: ManifestFolder | ManifestTest; } export type ManifestTest = [ hash: string, ...variations: ManifestTestVariation[], ]; export type ManifestTestVariation = [ path: string, options: ManifestTestOptions, ]; export interface ManifestTestOptions { name?: string; } const MANIFEST_PATH = join(ROOT_PATH, "./tools/wpt/manifest.json"); export async function updateManifest() { const proc = runPy( [ "wpt", "manifest", "--tests-root", ".", "-p", MANIFEST_PATH, ...(rebuild ? ["--rebuild"] : []), ], {}, ); const status = await proc.status(); assert(status.success, "updating wpt manifest should succeed"); } export function getManifest(): Manifest { const manifestText = Deno.readTextFileSync(MANIFEST_PATH); return JSON.parse(manifestText); } /// WPT TEST EXPECTATIONS const EXPECTATION_PATH = join(ROOT_PATH, "./tools/wpt/expectation.json"); export interface Expectation { [key: string]: Expectation | boolean | string[]; } export function getExpectation(): Expectation { const expectationText = Deno.readTextFileSync(EXPECTATION_PATH); return JSON.parse(expectationText); } export function saveExpectation(expectation: Expectation) { Deno.writeTextFileSync( EXPECTATION_PATH, JSON.stringify(expectation, undefined, " "), ); } export function generateTestExpectations(filter: string[]) { const manifest = getManifest(); function walk(folder: ManifestFolder, prefix: string): Expectation { const expectation: Expectation = {}; for (const key in folder) { const path = `${prefix}/${key}`; const entry = folder[key]; if (Array.isArray(entry)) { if (!filter.find((filter) => path.startsWith(filter))) continue; if (key.endsWith(".js")) { expectation[key] = false; } } else { if (!filter.find((filter) => `${path}/`.startsWith(filter))) continue; expectation[key] = walk(entry, path); } } for (const key in expectation) { const entry = expectation[key]; if (typeof entry === "object") { if (Object.keys(expectation[key]).length === 0) { delete expectation[key]; } } } return expectation; } return walk(manifest.items.testharness, ""); } export function getExpectFailForCase( expectation: boolean | string[], caseName: string, ): boolean { if (typeof expectation == "boolean") { return !expectation; } return expectation.includes(caseName); } /// UTILS class AssertionError extends Error { name = "AssertionError"; constructor(message: string) { super(message); } } export function assert(condition: unknown, message: string): asserts condition { if (!condition) { throw new AssertionError(message); } } export function runPy( args: string[], options: Omit, "cwd">, ): Deno.Process { const cmd = Deno.build.os == "windows" ? "python.exe" : "python3"; return Deno.run({ cmd: [cmd, ...args], cwd: join(ROOT_PATH, "./test_util/wpt/"), ...options, }); } export async function checkPy3Available() { const proc = runPy(["--version"], { stdout: "piped" }); const status = await proc.status(); assert(status.success, "failed to run python --version"); const output = new TextDecoder().decode(await proc.output()); assert( output.includes("Python 3."), `The ${ Deno.build.os == "windows" ? "python.exe" : "python3" } in your path is not Python 3.`, ); } export async function cargoBuild() { const proc = Deno.run({ cmd: ["cargo", "build", ...(release ? ["--release"] : [])], cwd: ROOT_PATH, }); const status = await proc.status(); proc.close(); assert(status.success, "cargo build failed"); }