// deno-fmt-ignore-file // deno-lint-ignore-file // Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Taken from Node 18.12.1 // This file is automatically generated by "node/_tools/setup.ts". Do not modify this file manually 'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const stream = require('stream'); // Ensure consistency between the finish event when using cork() // and writev and when not using them { const writable = new stream.Writable(); writable._write = (chunks, encoding, cb) => { cb(new Error('write test error')); }; writable.on('finish', common.mustNotCall()); writable.on('prefinish', common.mustNotCall()); writable.on('error', common.mustCall((er) => { assert.strictEqual(er.message, 'write test error'); })); writable.end('test'); } { const writable = new stream.Writable(); writable._write = (chunks, encoding, cb) => { setImmediate(cb, new Error('write test error')); }; writable.on('finish', common.mustNotCall()); writable.on('prefinish', common.mustNotCall()); writable.on('error', common.mustCall((er) => { assert.strictEqual(er.message, 'write test error'); })); writable.end('test'); } { const writable = new stream.Writable(); writable._write = (chunks, encoding, cb) => { cb(new Error('write test error')); }; writable._writev = (chunks, cb) => { cb(new Error('writev test error')); }; writable.on('finish', common.mustNotCall()); writable.on('prefinish', common.mustNotCall()); writable.on('error', common.mustCall((er) => { assert.strictEqual(er.message, 'writev test error'); })); writable.cork(); writable.write('test'); setImmediate(function() { writable.end('test'); }); } { const writable = new stream.Writable(); writable._write = (chunks, encoding, cb) => { setImmediate(cb, new Error('write test error')); }; writable._writev = (chunks, cb) => { setImmediate(cb, new Error('writev test error')); }; writable.on('finish', common.mustNotCall()); writable.on('prefinish', common.mustNotCall()); writable.on('error', common.mustCall((er) => { assert.strictEqual(er.message, 'writev test error'); })); writable.cork(); writable.write('test'); setImmediate(function() { writable.end('test'); }); } // Regression test for // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/13812 { const rs = new stream.Readable(); rs.push('ok'); rs.push(null); rs._read = () => {}; const ws = new stream.Writable(); ws.on('finish', common.mustNotCall()); ws.on('error', common.mustCall()); ws._write = (chunk, encoding, done) => { setImmediate(done, new Error()); }; rs.pipe(ws); } { const rs = new stream.Readable(); rs.push('ok'); rs.push(null); rs._read = () => {}; const ws = new stream.Writable(); ws.on('finish', common.mustNotCall()); ws.on('error', common.mustCall()); ws._write = (chunk, encoding, done) => { done(new Error()); }; rs.pipe(ws); } { const w = new stream.Writable(); w._write = (chunk, encoding, cb) => { process.nextTick(cb); }; w.on('error', common.mustCall()); w.on('finish', common.mustNotCall()); w.on('prefinish', () => { w.write("shouldn't write in prefinish listener"); }); w.end(); } { const w = new stream.Writable(); w._write = (chunk, encoding, cb) => { process.nextTick(cb); }; w.on('error', common.mustCall()); w.on('finish', () => { w.write("shouldn't write in finish listener"); }); w.end(); }