class StdoutReader { readonly #reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader; text = ""; constructor(stream: ReadableStream) { const textStream = stream.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()); this.#reader = textStream.getReader(); } [Symbol.dispose]() { this.#reader.releaseLock(); } async waitForText(waitingText: string) { if (this.text.includes(waitingText)) { return; } while (true) { const { value, done } = await; if (value) { this.text += value; if (this.text.includes(waitingText)) { break; } } if (done) { throw new Error("Did not find text: " + waitingText); } } } } const command = new Deno.Command("deno", { args: ["task", "start"], stdout: "piped", }); const child = command.spawn(); const reader = new StdoutReader(child.stdout!); console.log("Waiting..."); await reader.waitForText("Ready"); console.log("Received."); const pid = parseInt(reader.text.split("\n")[0], 10); console.log("PID", pid); // ensure this function works if (!isPidAlive( { throw new Error("Unexpected."); } if (!isPidAlive(pid)) { throw new Error("Unexpected."); } child.kill(); // now the grandchild shouldn't be alive if (isPidAlive(pid)) { throw new Error("Unexpected."); } function isPidAlive(pid: number) { const command = new Deno.Command("cmd", { args: ["/c", `wmic process where processid=${pid} get processid`], }); try { const { stdout } = command.outputSync(); // Execute the command const output = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout); console.log("wmic output:", output.trim()); return output.includes(pid.toString()); } catch (error) { console.error("Error checking PID:", error); return false; } }