const V8_TRACKING_BRANCH = "9.9-lkgr-denoland"; const AUTOROLL_BRANCH = "autoroll"; function extractVersion() { const MAJOR_PREFIX = "#define V8_MAJOR_VERSION "; const MINOR_PREFIX = "#define V8_MINOR_VERSION "; const BUILD_PREFIX = "#define V8_BUILD_NUMBER "; const PATCH_PREFIX = "#define V8_PATCH_LEVEL "; const versionDotH = Deno.readTextFileSync("./v8/include/v8-version.h"); const lines = versionDotH.split("\n"); const major = parseInt(lines.find((s) => s.startsWith(MAJOR_PREFIX))! .substring(MAJOR_PREFIX.length)); const minor = parseInt(lines.find((s) => s.startsWith(MINOR_PREFIX))! .substring(MINOR_PREFIX.length)); const build = parseInt(lines.find((s) => s.startsWith(BUILD_PREFIX))! .substring(BUILD_PREFIX.length)); const patch = parseInt(lines.find((s) => s.startsWith(PATCH_PREFIX))! .substring(PATCH_PREFIX.length)); return `${major}.${minor}.${build}.${patch}`; } await run(["git", "checkout", "origin/main"]); await run(["git", "submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "v8"]); const currentVersion = extractVersion(); console.log(`Starting auto update. Currently on ${currentVersion}`); async function run(cmd: string[], cwd?: string) { console.log("$", ...cmd); const proc ={ cmd, cwd }); const status = await proc.status(); if (!status.success) { console.error(`Failed to run ${cmd.join(" ")}`); Deno.exit(1); } } // Update v8 submodule await run(["git", "fetch", `origin`, V8_TRACKING_BRANCH], "./v8"); await run(["git", "checkout", `origin/${V8_TRACKING_BRANCH}`], "./v8"); const newVersion = extractVersion(); if (currentVersion == newVersion) { console.log(`No new version available. Staying on ${newVersion}`); Deno.exit(0); } console.log(`Updated to version ${newVersion}`); // Update version in readme let readme = Deno.readTextFileSync(""); readme = readme.replace( `V8 Version: ${currentVersion}`, `V8 Version: ${newVersion}`, ); Deno.writeTextFileSync("", readme); // Stage the changes await run(["git", "add", "v8", ""]); // Commit the changes await run(["git", "commit", "-m", `Rolling to V8 ${newVersion}`]); // Push to the `denoland/rusty_v8#autoroll` await run(["git", "push", "origin", `+HEAD:refs/heads/${AUTOROLL_BRANCH}`]); // Fetch the remote branch so `gh` cli can find it await run(["git", "fetch", "origin", AUTOROLL_BRANCH]); const proc ={ cmd: ["gh", "pr", "view", AUTOROLL_BRANCH, "--json", "state"], stdout: "piped", }); const status = await proc.status(); const isPrOpen = status.success ? JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(await proc.output())).state === "OPEN" : false; if (isPrOpen) { console.log("Already open PR. Editing existing PR."); await run([ "gh", "pr", "edit", AUTOROLL_BRANCH, "--title", `Rolling to V8 ${newVersion}`, ]); } else { console.log("No PR open. Creating a new PR."); await run([ "gh", "pr", "create", "--title", `Rolling to V8 ${newVersion}`, "--body", "", "--head", `denoland:${AUTOROLL_BRANCH}`, ]); }