Publish [Composer]( packages for your user or organization.
## Requirements
To work with the Composer package registry, you can use [Composer]( to consume and a HTTP upload client like `curl` to publish packages.
## Publish a package
To publish a Composer package perform a HTTP PUT operation with the package content in the request body.
The package content must be the zipped PHP project with the `composer.json` file.
You cannot publish a package if a package of the same name and version already exists. You must delete the existing package first.
If you are using 2FA or OAuth use a [personal access token]({{< relref "doc/developers/" >}}) instead of the password.
The server responds with the following HTTP Status codes.
| `400 Bad Request` | The package name and/or version are invalid or a package with the same name and version already exist. |
## Configuring the package registry
To register the package registry you need to add it to the Composer `config.json` file (which can usually be found under `<user-home-dir>/.composer/config.json`):