mirror of
synced 2024-12-25 13:39:06 -05:00
added stable sorting to test worker and refactor
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 180 additions and 165 deletions
@ -6,155 +6,6 @@ const mock = require('mock-require');
const { requireUncached } = require('./TestTools');
const consoleOriginal = global.console;
const intrinsicProps = [
// Common
'id', 'label',
// Constraint
'angularStiffness', 'bodyA', 'bodyB', 'damping', 'length', 'stiffness',
// Body
'area', 'axes', 'collisionFilter', 'category', 'mask',
'group', 'density', 'friction', 'frictionAir', 'frictionStatic', 'inertia', 'inverseInertia', 'inverseMass', 'isSensor',
'isSleeping', 'isStatic', 'mass', 'parent', 'parts', 'restitution', 'sleepThreshold', 'slop',
'timeScale', 'vertices',
// Composite
'bodies', 'constraints', 'composites'
const prepareMatter = (options) => {
const Matter = requireUncached(options.useDev ? '../build/matter.dev' : '../build/matter');
if (Matter.Common._nextId !== 0) {
throw 'Matter instance has already been used.';
const noop = () => ({ collisionFilter: {}, mouse: {} });
Matter.Render.create = () => ({ options: {}, bounds: { min: { x: 0, y: 0 }, max: { x: 800, y: 600 }}});
Matter.Render.run = Matter.Render.lookAt = noop;
Matter.Runner.create = Matter.Runner.run = noop;
Matter.MouseConstraint.create = Matter.Mouse.create = noop;
Matter.Common.info = Matter.Common.warn = Matter.Common.log;
return Matter;
const prepareEnvironment = Matter => {
mock('matter-js', Matter);
global.Matter = Matter;
const logs = [];
global.document = global.window = { addEventListener: () => {} };
global.console = {
log: (...args) => {
logs.push(args.join(' '));
return logs;
const resetEnvironment = () => {
global.console = consoleOriginal;
global.window = undefined;
global.document = undefined;
global.Matter = undefined;
const limitPrecision = (val, precision=3) => parseFloat(val.toPrecision(precision));
const sortById = (objs) => {
objs.sort((objA, objB) => objA.id - objB.id);
return objs;
const engineCapture = (engine, Matter) => ({
timestamp: limitPrecision(engine.timing.timestamp),
extrinsic: worldCaptureExtrinsic(engine.world, Matter),
intrinsic: worldCaptureIntrinsic(engine.world, Matter)
const worldCaptureExtrinsic = (world, Matter) => ({
bodies: sortById(Matter.Composite.allBodies(world)).reduce((bodies, body) => {
bodies[body.id] = [
...body.vertices.reduce((flat, vertex) => (flat.push(vertex.x, vertex.y), flat), [])
return bodies;
}, {}),
constraints: sortById(Matter.Composite.allConstraints(world)).reduce((constraints, constraint) => {
const positionA = Matter.Constraint.pointAWorld(constraint);
const positionB = Matter.Constraint.pointBWorld(constraint);
constraints[constraint.id] = [
return constraints;
}, {})
const worldCaptureIntrinsic = (world, Matter) => worldCaptureIntrinsicBase({
bodies: sortById(Matter.Composite.allBodies(world)).reduce((bodies, body) => {
bodies[body.id] = body;
return bodies;
}, {}),
constraints: sortById(Matter.Composite.allConstraints(world)).reduce((constraints, constraint) => {
constraints[constraint.id] = constraint;
return constraints;
}, {}),
composites: sortById(Matter.Composite.allComposites(world)).reduce((composites, composite) => {
composites[composite.id] = {
bodies: sortById(Matter.Composite.allBodies(composite)).map(body => body.id),
constraints: sortById(Matter.Composite.allConstraints(composite)).map(constraint => constraint.id),
composites: sortById(Matter.Composite.allComposites(composite)).map(composite => composite.id)
return composites;
}, {})
const worldCaptureIntrinsicBase = (obj, depth=0) => {
if (obj === Infinity) {
return 'Infinity';
} else if (typeof obj === 'number') {
return limitPrecision(obj);
} else if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
return obj.map(item => worldCaptureIntrinsicBase(item, depth + 1));
} else if (typeof obj !== 'object') {
return obj;
const result = Object.entries(obj)
.filter(([key]) => depth <= 1 || intrinsicProps.includes(key))
.reduce((cleaned, [key, val]) => {
if (val && val.id && String(val.id) !== key) {
val = val.id;
if (Array.isArray(val) && !['composites', 'constraints', 'bodies'].includes(key)) {
val = `[${val.length}]`;
cleaned[key] = worldCaptureIntrinsicBase(val, depth + 1);
return cleaned;
}, {});
return Object.keys(result).sort()
.reduce((sorted, key) => (sorted[key] = result[key], sorted), {});
const runExample = options => {
const Matter = prepareMatter(options);
const logs = prepareEnvironment(Matter);
@ -168,22 +19,9 @@ const runExample = options => {
let overlapTotal = 0;
let overlapCount = 0;
const bodies = Matter.Composite.allBodies(engine.world);
if (options.jitter) {
for (let i = 0; i < bodies.length; i += 1) {
const body = bodies[i];
Matter.Body.applyForce(body, body.position, {
x: Math.cos(i * i) * options.jitter * body.mass,
y: Math.sin(i * i) * options.jitter * body.mass
for (let i = 0; i < options.totalUpdates; i += 1) {
for (let i = 0; i < options.updates; i += 1) {
const startTime = process.hrtime();
totalMemory += process.memoryUsage().heapUsed;
@ -214,9 +52,186 @@ const runExample = options => {
duration: totalDuration,
overlap: overlapTotal / (overlapCount || 1),
memory: totalMemory,
...engineCapture(engine, Matter)
logs: logs,
extrinsic: captureExtrinsics(engine, Matter),
intrinsic: captureIntrinsics(engine, Matter),
const prepareMatter = (options) => {
const Matter = requireUncached(options.useDev ? '../build/matter.dev' : '../build/matter');
if (Matter.Common._nextId !== 0) {
throw 'Matter instance has already been used.';
const noop = () => ({ collisionFilter: {}, mouse: {} });
Matter.Render.create = () => ({ options: {}, bounds: { min: { x: 0, y: 0 }, max: { x: 800, y: 600 }}});
Matter.Render.run = Matter.Render.lookAt = noop;
Matter.Runner.create = Matter.Runner.run = noop;
Matter.MouseConstraint.create = Matter.Mouse.create = noop;
Matter.Common.info = Matter.Common.warn = Matter.Common.log;
if (options.stableSort) {
const MatterSATCollides = Matter.SAT.collides;
Matter.SAT.collides = function(bodyA, bodyB, previousCollision, pairActive) {
const _bodyA = bodyA.id < bodyB.id ? bodyA : bodyB;
const _bodyB = bodyA.id < bodyB.id ? bodyB : bodyA;
return MatterSATCollides(_bodyA, _bodyB, previousCollision, pairActive);
Matter.after('Detector.collisions', function() { this.sort(collisionCompareId); });
Matter.after('Composite.allBodies', function() { sortById(this); });
Matter.after('Composite.allConstraints', function() { sortById(this); });
Matter.after('Composite.allComposites', function() { sortById(this); });
Matter.before('Pairs.update', function(pairs) {
pairs.list.sort((pairA, pairB) => collisionCompareId(pairA.collision, pairB.collision));
Matter.after('Pairs.update', function(pairs) {
pairs.list.sort((pairA, pairB) => collisionCompareId(pairA.collision, pairB.collision));
if (options.jitter) {
Matter.after('Body.create', function() {
Matter.Body.applyForce(this, this.position, {
x: Math.cos(this.id * this.id) * options.jitter * this.mass,
y: Math.sin(this.id * this.id) * options.jitter * this.mass
return Matter;
const prepareEnvironment = Matter => {
mock('matter-js', Matter);
global.Matter = Matter;
const logs = [];
global.document = global.window = { addEventListener: () => {} };
global.console = {
log: (...args) => {
logs.push(args.join(' '));
return logs;
const resetEnvironment = () => {
global.console = consoleOriginal;
global.window = undefined;
global.document = undefined;
global.Matter = undefined;
const captureExtrinsics = ({ world }, Matter) => ({
bodies: Matter.Composite.allBodies(world).reduce((bodies, body) => {
bodies[body.id] = [
...body.vertices.reduce((flat, vertex) => (flat.push(vertex.x, vertex.y), flat), [])
return bodies;
}, {}),
constraints: Matter.Composite.allConstraints(world).reduce((constraints, constraint) => {
const positionA = Matter.Constraint.pointAWorld(constraint);
const positionB = Matter.Constraint.pointBWorld(constraint);
constraints[constraint.id] = [
return constraints;
}, {})
const captureIntrinsics = ({ world }, Matter) => formatIntrinsics({
bodies: Matter.Composite.allBodies(world).reduce((bodies, body) => {
bodies[body.id] = body;
return bodies;
}, {}),
constraints: Matter.Composite.allConstraints(world).reduce((constraints, constraint) => {
constraints[constraint.id] = constraint;
return constraints;
}, {}),
composites: Matter.Composite.allComposites(world).reduce((composites, composite) => {
composites[composite.id] = {
bodies: Matter.Composite.allBodies(composite).map(body => body.id),
constraints: Matter.Composite.allConstraints(composite).map(constraint => constraint.id),
composites: Matter.Composite.allComposites(composite).map(composite => composite.id)
return composites;
}, {})
const formatIntrinsics = (obj, depth=0) => {
if (obj === Infinity) {
return 'Infinity';
} else if (typeof obj === 'number') {
return limitPrecision(obj);
} else if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
return obj.map(item => formatIntrinsics(item, depth + 1));
} else if (typeof obj !== 'object') {
return obj;
const result = Object.entries(obj)
.filter(([key]) => depth <= 1 || intrinsicProperties.includes(key))
.reduce((cleaned, [key, val]) => {
if (val && val.id && String(val.id) !== key) {
val = val.id;
if (Array.isArray(val) && !['composites', 'constraints', 'bodies'].includes(key)) {
val = `[${val.length}]`;
cleaned[key] = formatIntrinsics(val, depth + 1);
return cleaned;
}, {});
return Object.keys(result).sort()
.reduce((sorted, key) => (sorted[key] = result[key], sorted), {});
const intrinsicProperties = [
// Common
'id', 'label',
// Constraint
'angularStiffness', 'bodyA', 'bodyB', 'damping', 'length', 'stiffness',
// Body
'area', 'axes', 'collisionFilter', 'category', 'mask',
'group', 'density', 'friction', 'frictionAir', 'frictionStatic', 'inertia', 'inverseInertia', 'inverseMass', 'isSensor',
'isSleeping', 'isStatic', 'mass', 'parent', 'parts', 'restitution', 'sleepThreshold', 'slop',
'timeScale', 'vertices',
// Composite
'bodies', 'constraints', 'composites'
const collisionId = (collision) =>
Math.min(collision.bodyA.id, collision.bodyB.id) + Math.max(collision.bodyA.id, collision.bodyB.id) * 10000;
const collisionCompareId = (collisionA, collisionB) => collisionId(collisionA) - collisionId(collisionB);
const sortById = (objs) => objs.sort((objA, objB) => objA.id - objB.id);
const limitPrecision = (val, precision=3) => parseFloat(val.toPrecision(precision));
module.exports = { runExample };
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