/** * The Matter.js development demo and testing tool. * * This demo uses MatterTools, you can see the wiki for a simple example instead: * https://github.com/liabru/matter-js/wiki/Getting-started * * NOTE: For the actual example code, refer to the source files in `/examples/`. * * @class Demo */ (function() { var examples = [ { name: 'Air Friction', id: 'airFriction' }, { name: 'Avalanche', id: 'avalanche' }, { name: 'Ball Pool', id: 'ballPool' }, { name: 'Bridge', id: 'bridge' }, { name: 'Broadphase', id: 'broadphase' }, { name: 'Car', id: 'car' }, { name: 'Catapult', id: 'catapult' }, { name: 'Chains', id: 'chains' }, { name: 'Circle Stack', id: 'circleStack' }, { name: 'Cloth', id: 'cloth' }, { name: 'Collision Filtering', id: 'collisionFiltering' }, { name: 'Composite Manipulation', id: 'compositeManipulation' }, { name: 'Compound Bodies', id: 'compound' }, { name: 'Compound Stack', id: 'compoundStack' }, { name: 'Concave', id: 'concave' }, { name: 'Constraints', id: 'constraints' }, { name: 'Double Pendulum', id: 'doublePendulum' }, { name: 'Events', id: 'events' }, { name: 'Friction', id: 'friction' }, { name: 'Reverse Gravity', id: 'gravity' }, { name: 'Gyroscope', id: 'gyro' }, { name: 'Manipulation', id: 'manipulation' }, { name: 'Mixed Shapes', id: 'mixed' }, { name: 'Newton\'s Cradle', id: 'newtonsCradle' }, { name: 'Ragdoll', id: 'ragdoll' }, { name: 'Pyramid', id: 'pyramid' }, { name: 'Raycasting', id: 'raycasting' }, { name: 'Restitution', id: 'restitution' }, { name: 'Rounded Corners (Chamfering)', id: 'rounded' }, { name: 'Sensors', id: 'sensors' }, { name: 'Sleeping', id: 'sleeping' }, { name: 'Slingshot', id: 'slingshot' }, { name: 'Soft Body', id: 'softBody' }, { name: 'Sprites', id: 'sprites' }, { name: 'Stack', id: 'stack' }, { name: 'Static Friction', id: 'staticFriction' }, { name: 'Stress', id: 'stress' }, { name: 'Stress 2', id: 'stress2' }, { name: 'Concave SVG Paths', id: 'svg' }, { name: 'Terrain', id: 'terrain' }, { name: 'Time Scaling', id: 'timescale' }, { name: 'Views', id: 'views' }, { name: 'Wrecking Ball', id: 'wreckingBall' } ]; var sourceLinkRoot = 'https://github.com/liabru/matter-js/blob/master/examples'; for (var i = 0; i < examples.length; i += 1) { var example = examples[i]; example.sourceLink = sourceLinkRoot + '/' + example.id + '.js'; example.init = window.Example[example.id]; if (!example.init) { console.warn('Example not loaded:', example.id); } } if (window.location.search.indexOf('compare') >= 0) { var compareScript = document.createElement('script'); compareScript.src = '../js/Compare.js'; window.MatterDemo = { examples: examples }; document.body.append(compareScript); return; } var demo = MatterTools.Demo.create({ toolbar: { title: 'matter-js', url: 'https://github.com/liabru/matter-js', reset: true, source: true, inspector: true, tools: true, fullscreen: true, exampleSelect: true }, tools: { inspector: true, gui: true }, inline: false, preventZoom: true, resetOnOrientation: true, routing: true, startExample: 'mixed', examples: examples }); document.body.appendChild(demo.dom.root); MatterTools.Demo.start(demo); })();