/** * See [Demo.js](https://github.com/liabru/matter-js/blob/master/demo/js/Demo.js) * and [DemoMobile.js](https://github.com/liabru/matter-js/blob/master/demo/js/DemoMobile.js) for usage examples. * * @class Render */ // TODO: viewports // TODO: two.js, pixi.js var Render = {}; (function() { /** * Description * @method create * @param {object} options * @return {render} A new renderer */ Render.create = function(options) { var defaults = { controller: Render, element: null, canvas: null, options: { width: 800, height: 600, background: '#fafafa', wireframeBackground: '#222', enabled: true, wireframes: true, showSleeping: true, showDebug: false, showBroadphase: false, showBounds: false, showVelocity: false, showCollisions: false, showAxes: false, showPositions: false, showAngleIndicator: false, showIds: false, showShadows: false } }; var render = Common.extend(defaults, options); render.canvas = render.canvas || _createCanvas(render.options.width, render.options.height); render.context = render.canvas.getContext('2d'); render.textures = {}; Render.setBackground(render, render.options.background); if (Common.isElement(render.element)) { render.element.appendChild(render.canvas); } else { Common.log('No "render.element" passed, "render.canvas" was not inserted into document.', 'warn'); } return render; }; /** * Sets the background CSS property of the canvas * @method setBackground * @param {render} render * @param {string} background */ Render.setBackground = function(render, background) { if (render.currentBackground !== background) { var cssBackground = background; if (/(jpg|gif|png)$/.test(background)) cssBackground = 'url(' + background + ')'; render.canvas.style.background = cssBackground; render.canvas.style.backgroundSize = "contain"; render.currentBackground = background; } }; /** * Description * @method world * @param {engine} engine */ Render.world = function(engine) { var render = engine.render, world = engine.world, canvas = render.canvas, context = render.context, options = render.options, i; if (options.wireframes) { Render.setBackground(render, options.wireframeBackground); } else { Render.setBackground(render, options.background); } // clear the canvas with a transparent fill, to allow the canvas background to show context.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in'; context.fillStyle = "transparent"; context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'; /*if (options.showShadows && !options.wireframes) Render.bodyShadows(engine, world.bodies, context);*/ if (!options.wireframes || (engine.enableSleeping && options.showSleeping)) { // fully featured rendering of bodies Render.bodies(engine, world.bodies, context); } else { // optimised method for wireframes only Render.bodyWireframes(engine, world.bodies, context); } if (options.showBounds) Render.bodyBounds(engine, world.bodies, context); if (options.showAxes || options.showAngleIndicator) Render.bodyAxes(engine, world.bodies, context); if (options.showPositions) Render.bodyPositions(engine, world.bodies, context); if (options.showVelocity) Render.bodyVelocity(engine, world.bodies, context); if (options.showIds) Render.bodyIds(engine, world.bodies, context); if (options.showCollisions) Render.collisions(engine, engine.pairs.list, context); Render.constraints(world.constraints, context); if (options.showBroadphase && engine.broadphase.current === 'grid') Render.grid(engine, engine.broadphase[engine.broadphase.current].instance, context); if (options.showDebug) Render.debug(engine, context); }; /** * Description * @method debug * @param {engine} engine * @param {RenderingContext} context */ Render.debug = function(engine, context) { var c = context, world = engine.world, render = engine.render, options = render.options, space = " "; if (engine.timing.timestamp - (render.debugTimestamp || 0) >= 500) { var text = ""; text += "fps: " + Math.round(engine.timing.fps) + space; if (engine.metrics.extended) { text += "delta: " + engine.timing.delta.toFixed(3) + space; text += "correction: " + engine.timing.correction.toFixed(3) + space; text += "bodies: " + world.bodies.length + space; if (engine.broadphase.controller === Grid) text += "buckets: " + engine.metrics.buckets + space; text += "\n"; text += "collisions: " + engine.metrics.collisions + space; text += "pairs: " + engine.pairs.list.length + space; text += "broad: " + engine.metrics.broadEff + space; text += "mid: " + engine.metrics.midEff + space; text += "narrow: " + engine.metrics.narrowEff + space; } render.debugString = text; render.debugTimestamp = engine.timing.timestamp; } if (render.debugString) { c.font = "12px Arial"; if (options.wireframes) { c.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'; } else { c.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'; } var split = render.debugString.split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { c.fillText(split[i], 50, 50 + i * 18); } } }; /** * Description * @method constraints * @param {constraint[]} constraints * @param {RenderingContext} context */ Render.constraints = function(constraints, context) { var c = context; for (var i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) { var constraint = constraints[i]; if (!constraint.render.visible || !constraint.pointA || !constraint.pointB) continue; var bodyA = constraint.bodyA, bodyB = constraint.bodyB; if (bodyA) { c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(bodyA.position.x + constraint.pointA.x, bodyA.position.y + constraint.pointA.y); } else { c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(constraint.pointA.x, constraint.pointA.y); } if (bodyB) { c.lineTo(bodyB.position.x + constraint.pointB.x, bodyB.position.y + constraint.pointB.y); } else { c.lineTo(constraint.pointB.x, constraint.pointB.y); } c.lineWidth = constraint.render.lineWidth; c.strokeStyle = constraint.render.strokeStyle; c.stroke(); } }; /** * Description * @method bodyShadows * @param {engine} engine * @param {body[]} bodies * @param {RenderingContext} context */ Render.bodyShadows = function(engine, bodies, context) { var c = context, render = engine.render, options = render.options; for (var i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) { var body = bodies[i]; if (!body.render.visible) continue; if (body.circleRadius) { c.beginPath(); c.arc(body.position.x, body.position.y, body.circleRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); c.closePath(); } else { c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(body.vertices[0].x, body.vertices[0].y); for (var j = 1; j < body.vertices.length; j++) { c.lineTo(body.vertices[j].x, body.vertices[j].y); } c.closePath(); } var distanceX = body.position.x - render.options.width * 0.5, distanceY = body.position.y - render.options.height * 0.2, distance = Math.abs(distanceX) + Math.abs(distanceY); c.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.15)'; c.shadowOffsetX = 0.05 * distanceX; c.shadowOffsetY = 0.05 * distanceY; c.shadowBlur = 1 + 12 * Math.min(1, distance / 1000); c.fill(); c.shadowColor = null; c.shadowOffsetX = null; c.shadowOffsetY = null; c.shadowBlur = null; } }; /** * Description * @method bodies * @param {engine} engine * @param {body[]} bodies * @param {RenderingContext} context */ Render.bodies = function(engine, bodies, context) { var c = context, render = engine.render, options = render.options, i; for (i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) { var body = bodies[i]; if (!body.render.visible) continue; if (body.render.sprite && !options.wireframes) { // body sprite var sprite = body.render.sprite, texture = _getTexture(render, sprite.texture); if (options.showSleeping && body.isSleeping) c.globalAlpha = 0.5; c.translate(body.position.x, body.position.y); c.rotate(body.angle); c.drawImage(texture, texture.width * -0.5 * sprite.xScale, texture.height * -0.5 * sprite.yScale, texture.width * sprite.xScale, texture.height * sprite.yScale); // revert translation, hopefully faster than save / restore c.rotate(-body.angle); c.translate(-body.position.x, -body.position.y); if (options.showSleeping && body.isSleeping) c.globalAlpha = 1; } else { // body polygon if (body.circleRadius) { c.beginPath(); c.arc(body.position.x, body.position.y, body.circleRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); } else { c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(body.vertices[0].x, body.vertices[0].y); for (var j = 1; j < body.vertices.length; j++) { c.lineTo(body.vertices[j].x, body.vertices[j].y); } c.closePath(); } if (!options.wireframes) { if (options.showSleeping && body.isSleeping) { c.fillStyle = Common.shadeColor(body.render.fillStyle, 50); } else { c.fillStyle = body.render.fillStyle; } c.lineWidth = body.render.lineWidth; c.strokeStyle = body.render.strokeStyle; c.fill(); c.stroke(); } else { c.lineWidth = 1; c.strokeStyle = '#bbb'; if (options.showSleeping && body.isSleeping) c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.2)'; c.stroke(); } } } }; /** * Optimised method for drawing body wireframes in one pass * @method bodyWireframes * @param {engine} engine * @param {body[]} bodies * @param {RenderingContext} context */ Render.bodyWireframes = function(engine, bodies, context) { var c = context, i, j; c.beginPath(); for (i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) { var body = bodies[i]; if (!body.render.visible) continue; c.moveTo(body.vertices[0].x, body.vertices[0].y); for (j = 1; j < body.vertices.length; j++) { c.lineTo(body.vertices[j].x, body.vertices[j].y); } c.lineTo(body.vertices[0].x, body.vertices[0].y); } c.lineWidth = 1; c.strokeStyle = '#bbb'; c.stroke(); }; /** * Draws body bounds * @method bodyBounds * @param {engine} engine * @param {body[]} bodies * @param {RenderingContext} context */ Render.bodyBounds = function(engine, bodies, context) { var c = context, render = engine.render, options = render.options; c.beginPath(); for (var i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) { var body = bodies[i]; if (body.render.visible) c.rect(body.bounds.min.x, body.bounds.min.y, body.bounds.max.x - body.bounds.min.x, body.bounds.max.y - body.bounds.min.y); } if (options.wireframes) { c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.08)'; } else { c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'; } c.lineWidth = 1; c.stroke(); }; /** * Draws body angle indicators and axes * @method bodyAxes * @param {engine} engine * @param {body[]} bodies * @param {RenderingContext} context */ Render.bodyAxes = function(engine, bodies, context) { var c = context, render = engine.render, options = render.options, i, j; c.beginPath(); for (i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) { var body = bodies[i]; if (!body.render.visible) continue; if (options.showAxes) { // render all axes for (j = 0; j < body.axes.length; j++) { var axis = body.axes[j]; c.moveTo(body.position.x, body.position.y); c.lineTo(body.position.x + axis.x * 20, body.position.y + axis.y * 20); } } else { // render a single axis indicator c.moveTo(body.position.x, body.position.y); c.lineTo((body.vertices[0].x + body.vertices[body.vertices.length-1].x) / 2, (body.vertices[0].y + body.vertices[body.vertices.length-1].y) / 2); } } if (options.wireframes) { c.strokeStyle = 'indianred'; } else { c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'; } c.lineWidth = 1; c.stroke(); }; /** * Draws body positions * @method bodyPositions * @param {engine} engine * @param {body[]} bodies * @param {RenderingContext} context */ Render.bodyPositions = function(engine, bodies, context) { var c = context, render = engine.render, options = render.options, body, i; c.beginPath(); // render current positions for (i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) { body = bodies[i]; if (body.render.visible) { c.arc(body.position.x, body.position.y, 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); c.closePath(); } } if (options.wireframes) { c.fillStyle = 'indianred'; } else { c.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'; } c.fill(); c.beginPath(); // render previous positions for (i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) { body = bodies[i]; if (body.render.visible) { c.arc(body.positionPrev.x, body.positionPrev.y, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); c.closePath(); } } c.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,165,0,0.8)'; c.fill(); }; /** * Draws body velocity * @method bodyVelocity * @param {engine} engine * @param {body[]} bodies * @param {RenderingContext} context */ Render.bodyVelocity = function(engine, bodies, context) { var c = context, render = engine.render, options = render.options; c.beginPath(); for (var i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) { var body = bodies[i]; if (!body.render.visible) continue; c.moveTo(body.position.x, body.position.y); c.lineTo(body.position.x + (body.position.x - body.positionPrev.x) * 2, body.position.y + (body.position.y - body.positionPrev.y) * 2); } c.lineWidth = 3; c.strokeStyle = 'cornflowerblue'; c.stroke(); }; /** * Draws body ids * @method bodyIds * @param {engine} engine * @param {body[]} bodies * @param {RenderingContext} context */ Render.bodyIds = function(engine, bodies, context) { var c = context; for (var i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) { var body = bodies[i]; if (!body.render.visible) continue; c.font = "12px Arial"; c.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'; c.fillText(body.id, body.position.x + 10, body.position.y - 10); } }; /** * Description * @method collisions * @param {engine} engine * @param {pair[]} pairs * @param {RenderingContext} context */ Render.collisions = function(engine, pairs, context) { var c = context, options = engine.render.options, pair, collision, i, j; c.beginPath(); // render collision positions for (i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { pair = pairs[i]; collision = pair.collision; for (j = 0; j < pair.activeContacts.length; j++) { var contact = pair.activeContacts[j], vertex = contact.vertex; c.rect(vertex.x - 1.5, vertex.y - 1.5, 3.5, 3.5); } } if (options.wireframes) { c.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)'; } else { c.fillStyle = 'orange'; } c.fill(); c.beginPath(); // render collision normals for (i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { pair = pairs[i]; collision = pair.collision; if (pair.activeContacts.length > 0) { var normalPosX = pair.activeContacts[0].vertex.x, normalPosY = pair.activeContacts[0].vertex.y; if (pair.activeContacts.length === 2) { normalPosX = (pair.activeContacts[0].vertex.x + pair.activeContacts[1].vertex.x) / 2; normalPosY = (pair.activeContacts[0].vertex.y + pair.activeContacts[1].vertex.y) / 2; } c.moveTo(normalPosX - collision.normal.x * 8, normalPosY - collision.normal.y * 8); c.lineTo(normalPosX, normalPosY); } } if (options.wireframes) { c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,165,0,0.7)'; } else { c.strokeStyle = 'orange'; } c.lineWidth = 1; c.stroke(); }; /** * Description * @method grid * @param {engine} engine * @param {grid} grid * @param {RenderingContext} context */ Render.grid = function(engine, grid, context) { var c = context, options = engine.render.options; if (options.wireframes) { c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,180,0,0.1)'; } else { c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,180,0,0.5)'; } c.beginPath(); var bucketKeys = Common.keys(grid.buckets); for (var i = 0; i < bucketKeys.length; i++) { var bucketId = bucketKeys[i]; if (grid.buckets[bucketId].length < 2) continue; var region = bucketId.split(','); c.rect(0.5 + parseInt(region[0], 10) * grid.bucketWidth, 0.5 + parseInt(region[1], 10) * grid.bucketHeight, grid.bucketWidth, grid.bucketHeight); } c.lineWidth = 1; c.stroke(); }; /** * Description * @method _createCanvas * @private * @param {} width * @param {} height * @return canvas */ var _createCanvas = function(width, height) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; canvas.oncontextmenu = function() { return false; }; canvas.onselectstart = function() { return false; }; return canvas; }; /** * Gets the requested texture (an Image) via its path * @method _getTexture * @private * @param {render} render * @param {string} imagePath * @return {Image} texture */ var _getTexture = function(render, imagePath) { var image = render.textures[imagePath]; if (image) return image; image = render.textures[imagePath] = new Image(); image.src = imagePath; return image; }; })();