/** * @name Tokyo Night * @description Discord Port of Visual Studio Code Theme * @author Ashtrath * @version 1.0.0 * @authorId 2354831939099688962 */ /* DONT TOUCH THIS!!! */ @import url("https://dyzean.github.io/Tokyo-Night/main.css"); /* Read this before editing stuff!!! * * > To comment or uncomment a line you need to put those "/" and "*" characters as you can see at the beginning and ending of my comments. * (You don't need to put a * at each line like I do, it's just for readability). See more here : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Comments * * > You can play with the values and see how it goes, don't delete "px" after the value if you don't have knowledges in CSS. * * > To change the colors, replace the HEX code with the one you picked here : https://htmlcolorcodes.com */ /* Optional Addons */ @import url("https://goose-nest.github.io/GT-RevertRebrand/RevertRebrand.theme.css"); @import url("https://nyri4.github.io/Discolored/main.css"); /* Mac Titlebar, Delete the line below if you want the normal titlebar */ .withFrame-haYltI { margin: 0; height: 24px; } .typeWindows-1za-n7 { flex-direction: row; margin-left: 3px !important; } .withFrame-haYltI .winButton-iRh8-Z > svg { display: none; } .withFrame-haYltI .winButton-iRh8-Z:hover { background-color: var(--background-teritary); } .withFrame-haYltI .winButton-iRh8-Z { pointer-events: none; margin-left: -4px; top: 0; } .withFrame-haYltI .winButton-iRh8-Z::after { content: ""; padding: 7px; border-radius: 50px; pointer-events: fill; transition-duration: 200ms; } .withFrame-haYltI .winButtonClose-1HsbF-::after { background-color: #e92a2ade !important; margin-top: 0px; } .withFrame-haYltI .winButtonMinMax-PBQ2gm:nth-child(3)::after { background-color: #f7bc1bde !important; margin-top: 0px; } .withFrame-haYltI .winButtonMinMax-PBQ2gm:nth-child(4):after { background-color: #12db33de !important; margin-top: 0px; } .typeWindows-1za-n7 > div:hover::after { transform: scale(1.1); } /* ---- Discord Variables ---- */ .theme-dark { /* Dark Mode */ /* Header Color */ --header-primary: #fff; --header-secondary: #b9bbbe; /* Text Color */ --text-normal: #dcddde; --text-muted: #72767d; --interactive-normal: #6f738e; --interactive-hover: #a6aac5; --interactive-active: #aeb4cf; --interactive-muted: #484a57; /* Background Color */ --background-primary: #1a1b26; --background-secondary: #171722; --background-secondary-alt: #13131a; --background-tertiary: #16161e; --background-tertiary-alt: #13131a; --background-accent: #434461; --background-floating: #161620; --background-modifier-hover: #212331c0; --background-modifier-active: #282a3680; --background-modifier-selected: #24263171; --background-modifier-accent: #21212c; --background-mentioned: #252836; --border-mentioned: #474c64; --background-mentioned-hover: #2f3344; --accent-color: #365aaa; /* Folder Color */ --folder-color: #272a36d0; --folder-color-light: #2f3342d0; /* Input Box Color */ --input-box-bg: #14141b; --input-box-border: #0f0f14; --input-box-border-focus: #1b1c26; /* Scrollbars Color */ --scrollbar-thin-thumb: transparent; --scrollbar-thin-track: transparent; --scrollbar-auto-thumb: #2b2b46af; --scrollbar-auto-thumb-hover: #27273d85; --scrollbar-auto-track: transparent; --scrollbar-auto-scrollbar-color-thumb: var(--scrollbar-auto-thumb); --scrollbar-auto-scrollbar-color-track: var(--scrollbar-auto-track); /* Chat Box Color */ --channeltextarea-background: var(--background-secondary); --channeltextarea-background-hover: var(--background-tertiary); } .theme-light { /* Light Mode */ /* Header Color */ --header-primary: #1c1c1d; --header-secondary: #4f5660; /* Text Color */ --text-normal: #2e3338; --text-muted: #747f8d; --interactive-normal: #4c505e; --interactive-hover: #404350; --interactive-active: #373a44; --interactive-muted: #77797c; /* Background Color */ --background-primary: #d5d6db; --background-secondary: #cecfd4; --background-secondary-alt: #b6b7bd; --background-tertiary: #c5c6cc; --background-tertiary-alt: #bbbbc2; --background-accent: #9ca3bb; --background-floating: #c2c2c9; --background-mentioned: #c4c7da; --background-modifier-hover: #2c2a2a25; --background-modifier-active: #5a525229; --background-modifier-selected: #555e693d; --background-modifier-accent: #06060714; --border-mentioned: #a9afcf; --background-mentioned-hover: #cfd2e9; --accent-color: #365aaa; /* Folder Color */ --folder-color: #a7a6a6d0; --folder-color-light: #afafafd0; /* Input Box Color */ --input-box-bg: #c2c2c7; --input-box-border: #b3b4b8; --input-box-border-focus: #959699; /* Scrollbars Color */ --scrollbar-thin-thumb: transparent; --scrollbar-thin-track: transparent; --scrollbar-auto-thumb: #a0a0a0af; --scrollbar-auto-thumb-hover: #77777785; --scrollbar-auto-track: transparent; --scrollbar-auto-scrollbar-color-thumb: var(--scrollbar-auto-thumb); --scrollbar-auto-scrollbar-color-track: var(--scrollbar-auto-track); /* Chat Box Color */ --channeltextarea-background: var(--background-secondary); --channeltextarea-background-hover: var(--background-tertiary); }