Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/stronk-dev/Tokyo-Night-Linux.git synced 2024-10-17 20:58:16 -04:00
2021-07-13 17:26:13 +02:00

81 lines
2 KiB

*.foreground: #ABB2BF
*.background: #1A1C1E
*.cursorColor: #5C6370
!*fading: 40
!*fadeColor: S_base03
!*pointerColorBackground: S_base01
!*pointerColorForeground: S_base1
! Normal Bright
! -------- -------
! 0 Black 8 Black
! 1 Red 9 Red
! 2 Yellow 10 Yellow
! 3 Green 11 Green
! 4 Blue 12 Blue
! 5 Magenta 13 Magenta
! 6 Cyan 14 Cyan
! 7 White 15 White
! Black colours
*.color0: #1A1C1E
*.color8: #151718
! Red colours
*.color1: #E06C75
*.color9: #E06C75
! Yellow colours
*.color2: #98C379
*.color10: #98C379
! Green colours
*.color3: #D19A66
*.color11: #D19A66
! Blue colours
*.color4: #61AFEF
*.color12: #61AFEF
! Magenta (pink, !green) colours
*.color5: #C678DD
*.color13: #C678DD
! Cyan (blue + green)
*.color6: #56B6C2
*.color14: #56B6C2
! White colours
*.color7: #ABB2BF
*.color15: #FFFFFF
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XTerm.vt100.bellIsUrgent: true
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URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,selection-to-clipboard
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URxvt.font: xft:Consolas:pixelsize=12, xft:Segoe UI Symbol:style=Regular:pixelsize=12, xft:Unifont:pixelsize=12
URxvt.letterSpace : -2 ! Put characters slightly closer together
URxvt.termName : rxvt-unicode-256color
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! transparency in i3
!URxvt.transparent: true
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Xft.HintStyle: hintslight
Xft.Antialias: 1