export const description = "Software developer and open-source enthusiast."; export default function({ nav }) { const sortPosts = (a,b) => { if (a.data.date < b.data.date) { return 1; } else if (a.data.date > b.data.date) { return -1; } else { return 0; } }; return ( <>

I am a software developer, open-source enthusiast, lover of pizza, and renegade of funk. I speak fluent English and native Filipino. I also plan on learning German.

You'll most likely find me within my lab tinkering with my inventions and the latest JavaScript frameworks. Other times, I help in the battle for an open web and for user privacy by contributing in the development of free and open-source software.

Contact Me

The best method of reaching me is through my email: foster@hangdaan.email.

If you'd like an encrypted response, you can send me your GPG public key. You can find mine in the GPG Key page.


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