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# Tokyo Night Linux theme
This collection is aimed to make your Linux environment look like the vscode <a href="https://github.com/enkia/tokyo-night-vscode-theme">Tokyo Night</a> theme. This is currently still a WIP, so expect colour or unthemed applications.
Although replacing your icon theme or cursor is not required, this theme goes well with the <a href="https://github.com/numixproject/numix-icon-theme">Numix</a> icon theme goes well with this theme.
The GTK theme was made by modifying the <a href="https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1316887">Material Black</a> theme
The discord theme was made by modifying the <a href="https://betterdiscord.app/theme/Nocturnal">Nocturnal</a> theme
## Dependencies
- lxappearance: Can be used to apply the GTK theme
- gnome-tweaks: Can be used to apply the GTK theme
- spicetify-cli: Used to apply the Spotify theme
- betterdiscord: Used to apply the Discord theme
- betterdiscord-ctk: Used to install betterdiscord
- <a href="https://github.com/enkia/tokyo-night-vscode-theme">VS code Tokyo Night theme</a>
Optional Utils
- st: The terminal we are using in our configs. Requires<a href="ttps://wiki.archlinux.org/title/st#Patches">patches</a> to get it good. urxvt can be used as an alternative and is themed using the config files.
- powerline: Status bar for Bash. For example, it shows you what Git repo you are in
- gvim: Contains vim with clipboard support and more
- vim-airline: Status bar for vim
- neofetch: Very important for screenshots
- lolcat, cowsay, wisdom-mod: very important stuff
- nm-applet: manage your (wireless) connections and has a tray icon
- kalu-kde: Notifies you about Arch news or updates and has a tray icon
- logiops: Used to trigger keyboard combinations using gestures
- blueman: bluetooth tray icon
- gdm-tools-git: If using GDM to login to a user (and select between multiple window managers), use this to set the theme
When using I3 as window manager
- clipit: Clipboard manager
- picom: If you want transparent and rounded borders in I3
- polybar: Status bar
- polybar-themes: Is included in the repo, but should be installed separately as well to get all their dependencies.
- autotiling: Automatically sets in which direction a window will split based on if the parent container is wider or taller
- rofi: Used as a program launcher and power menu
- arandr: Used to manually set monitor properties
- maim: screen capture
- xclip: X selection to clipboard
- bynanz: record screen to gif
When using Sway as window manager
- autotiling: Automatically sets in which direction a window will split based on if the parent container is wider or taller
- kanshi: Used to automatically set monitor properties
- rofi: Used as a program launcher and power menu
- clipman: Clipboard manager
- Waybar: Status bar
- mako: Used for notifications
- slurp: wayland selection to clipboard
- grim: screenshot utility for wayland
- wf-recorder: record screen to video
## File overview and Configuration
### File Index
- .config
- BetterDiscord: Contains theme files for Discord
- gtk-3.0: Sets some theme settings
- i3: Example i3 config with auto starting applications, borders and gaps settings, etc
- kanshi: Example config for using Kanshi to set your wayland monitors
- Picom: Example config for enabling transparency and rounded corners when using I3.
- Polybar: Theme and config for the status bar when using I3 with modules n shit enabled
- Spicetify: Contains theme for modifying Spotify
- Sway: Example sway config with auto starting applications, borders and gaps settings, etc
- Polybar: Theme and config for the status bar when using Sway
- Wofi: Actually contains an example config and theme for Rofi and Wofi, although we are using Rofi in the configs
- /etc/logid.conf: Optional example configuration for the Logitech MX Master mouse, using gestures to call certain key combinations set in the I3/Sway config
- /usr/share/themes/UltimateBlack-0.1: GTK theme. Will be updated and renamed in the near future.
- .bash_profile: Optional example config. Runs when you login (including via SSH). contains commented code to autostart xorg (and I3)
- .bashrc: Optional example config. Runs whenever a new terminal is opened. Example config with ST and Powerline
- .vimrc: Optional example vim config
- .Xdefaults: Optional example config. Edit terminal colours and urxvt settings when using Sway as window manager
- .xinitrc: Optional example config. Runs on X server startup and starts I3
- .Xresources: Optional example config. Edit terminal colours and urxvt settings when using I3 as window manager
### Configuration
- GTK theme: If certain colours aren't to your liking, you can `` grep -rl "old_string" . | xargs sed -i 's/old_string/new_string/g' `` to replace specific colour codes quickly. If you go this route you might want to do this to the <a href="https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1316887">source</a>, since the original theme has more different colours.
- Spotify: Manually edit ./config/spicetify/Themes/Base/color.ini
- Discord: There is an <a href="https://limeshark.dev/editor/Nocturnal">online editor</a> to edit all the themes
- Polybar comes bundled with various modules. Check out their for more info. Also check out the <a href="https://github.com/adi1090x/polybar-themes#readme">readme</a> of polybar-themes if you are using I3.
- Picom can be be configured for more or less transparency or different kinds of blur. The included config uses dual-kawase blur which goes over an image as background
## Installation
### Copying files
All the files go into your home directory, except for:
- /etc/logid.conf
- /usr/share/themes/UltimateBlack-0.1
If using polybar-themes, install it from the original source first to get all their dependencies and fonts. Then you can overwrite their files with the included ones.
The BetterDiscord files should be copied over after running ``betterdiscordctl install``
### Apply Theme
- GTK: Run lxappearance and/or gnome-tweaks and select the included theme
- Spotify:
- Run ``spicetify`` once to generate a config file
- Run ``spicetify backup apply enable-devtool`` to backup the default theme
- Run ``spicetify config current_theme Base`` to set the current theme to the one we provide
- Run ``spicetify apply`` and restart spotify
- Discord: After running ``betterdiscordctl install`` go into the newly added Better Discord entry in the settings menu.
- GDM: Run ``gnomeconf2gdm`` (from gdm-tools-git) after applying the GTK theme to set the colour scheme of the login screen
### Notes
- Certain GTK programs, like Gimp and Firefox, might have to be set to follow the system theme from their settings
- A modified version of <a href="https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/console-solarized-git/">console-solarized-git</a> is coming in order to modify the Linux shell colours to match our theme.
## Screenshots
### I3 with Polybar
### Sway with Waybar